College response to terrorism in Israel

I am a sadly cynical person. Someone mentioned very limited financial aid, which means most of these students will likely (?) be full pay. One could cynically interpret that as taking advantage of student fears to make money…Hopefully the intention is a better one than that.


I certainly wasn’t suggesting that Wash U is completely altruistic. I said that they see it as an opportunity to scoop up some Jewish students (preferably full pay ones) from other elite schools. I was merely pointing out that the Spring transfer is available to everyone, and isn’t a pathway for Jews only.


A program like that (effectively, discriminating on the basis of religion) would not be legal.
But good for them - maybe they will get some great students from elite schools that turned out to be unwelcoming places.



I’m not sure what Elon musk has to do with the thread topic, so I deleted the posts discussing the link and inability to open.

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Most transfers are offered limited to no financial aid.

Yet another cog in the futility of censorship…

“The documentary, “Israelism,” investigates what it calls the uncritical love of the Jewish state inculcated in American Jews, through the stories of two young Jews who travel to Israel and the West Bank. There they encounter a different reality from the one they said they learned at their religious day schools and summer camps…

…Hunter’s interim president, Ann Kirschner, announced that the scheduled screening had been canceled because of safety concerns…

“In the current climate, we seek to balance our commitment to free speech and academic freedom with the danger of antisemitic and divisive rhetoric.”“

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Not clear which college has accusations of which.

All counter-protestors left when asked.

Source (Question 5):

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Students sue NYU over antisemitism:




This speech by Bari Weiss (a journalist who has been at the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and is centrist lesbian pro-choice mother) to the Federalist Society (the fairly to extremely conservative organization that has spearheaded the appointment of very conservative judges to the Supreme Court and many other courts) follows October 7. Not a likely speaker for the Federalist Society. Her speech is compelling.

I am attaching it here because she spends a fair bit of time on what has been happening and is happening at universities and about the selective suppression of free speech at universities.


For what it is worth, Bari Weiss is one of the main founders of the new “anti-cancel culture” “free-speech” University of Austin. Despite her personal characteristics, she is politically & journalistically associated with definitely right of center politics & culture.


I do not know that much about Weiss – I recall reading about her criticizing and then leaving the NYT in part because of its cancel culture – but I would have thought that her argument about selective free speech (free speech for causes I agree with and not for those I don’t) doesn’t place her in an obvious position on a left to right continuum. The right is equally engaged in cancel culture – think DeSantis and Disney, banning of books in school libraries. The venues are different than the left, who is engaged in cancel culture at universities, museums, high schools, HR depts., etc. But the urge to cancel seems just as strong.

I don’t know anything about the University of Austin. Thanks for the link.


Yep! She has zero credibility.


This was a good rundown of facts. Thank you for posting. Based on the facts as described in the Q&A, I’d be very disappointed if MIT COD doesn’t end up suspending (1) those who insisted on staying after being told to move the protest elsewhere as well as (2) the organizers of the protest who refused to meet with administrators in advance of the planned event after being told their advertised location was in violation of policy and asking to meet with them.

They were told the consequences and chose to ignore policies willfully. If they now don’t follow through on their own threat of consequences, future warnings will mean nothing. If then, in the future, someone is physically hurt, the school should be held responsible for creating an environment where students feel comfortable challenging and ignoring all authority.

I realize they find this to be the most important thing right now, and have a right to protest. They do not have a right to disrupt classes, block classes and hallways, hold protests in clearly unauthorized locations as opposed to places designated for such activities. Same goes for in public locations - you have right to protest, but not block ingress/egress to buildings, block roads, bridges, nor do you have right to ignore officers who are doing their job of trying to keep things from escalating. Maybe they need a class in protest rights 101.


More ugliness at UPenn…

Disturbing Posters Appear on College Campus Comparing Israeli People to … Disturbing Posters Appear on College Campus Comparing Israeli People to Cattle | Action News | NewsBreak Original

Nice try, GWU admin…

“The protest was led by at least four student organizations, who formed the Student Coalition for Palestine at GWU this week in response to officials suspending SJP…

“We refuse to relent in the face of GW’s genocidal interest and their cowardly attempts to censor us,” the representative said. “The student movement will not be silenced.” “

I am thrilled that none of my kids will go to elite ivies. To experience this level of ugliness your first time away from home is just sad, no matter what your religion/ethnicity.


Again, I don’t know her well, but for me, not being in lockstep with the cancel culture (left or right) of universities or the groupthink of the NYT adds to credibility. YMMV. Why do you think she has zero credibility?