College response to terrorism in Israel

over Thanksgiving my D20 lamented how tense and unpleasant it has become on her campus (where, btw, in an attempt to quell things, the administration has banned all displays of any type of flag :woman_shrugging: ).

I thought it was an excellent piece for what they could present in 15 minutes. Bill Whitaker always does a great job. He gave equal time to all, so it seemed well-balanced to me.

Whitaker’s comparison of Columbia to Dartmouth mentioned both urban/rural and more/less diverse theories, which are probably both true. But, I don’t view either school as having approached the issue “better” than the other. They are simply different approaches.

It is not surprising to see that NYC has been a hot spot for protests, as NYC is unlike any other city in the world. It has everything. “Big city” and “Ivy league” are just small factors.

The Columbia students interviewed included native Israeli and Palestinian students. The Palestinian was quite moving and articulate in his story, and apparently a driver of the protests at Columbia. He is not the one yelling unacceptable things like “—— the Jews.” If anyone wonders how the students can rally for Palestinians, listen to that guy.

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