College Search for C+/B- Student

Hello, it appears the thread I started a year ago for my S21 has garnered some interest and many have found it helpful. The original title might not make it easy to find for others in our situation. A link here to that thread where I’ll still be posting as we finish up this search.

Basic gist: started senior year at a 2.5. Great first two semesters for him and now at a 2.7. So many college options that he and we are excited about.


My nephew is similar to your son. First generation public school student with a 2.7 GPA, 26 ACT. He doesn’t really know what he wants but probably something in computer science or engineering. He’s been admitted to 12 schools, mostly as undecided - Rowan, Rutgers Newark, U Missouri, Iowa State, Valparaiso, Susquehanna, Penn State Behrend 2/2, Purdue, U Buffalo (SUNY), SUNY Oswego, Ohio Northern (Engineering) and UNH (Engineering). He’s received small scholarships or grants from Rowan, SUNY Oswego, Penn State, Ohio Northern and Susquehanna. He’s waiting to hear from several other schools and has written to all his acceptances, in hopes of getting additional $$. Money will be a deciding factor in his decision.


I’m so happy to see he has such wonderful choices. Good for him!

I hope the money conversations go well for him. It never hurts to ask and I do believe this year many of these schools are concerned about yield and so will offer up a little bit more if they feel that can close the deal for them.


And yeah for this thread!

My son is sitting at a 3.4. I’m allowing him to take the “regular” classes and not pushing AP on him. Hes choosing to not take the core AP classes and instead focus on taking more college prep courses in the electives.

eta: My oldest barely made it through high school (I think he ended with a 1.7 or something like that his senior year). Hes now in his second year of tech school. He chose a degree that only needs an associates as that is where his interests lie. He was able to move away and live in a dorm and experience college as most of his peers. While hes had some challenges the past year as many kids have with the pandemic, he ended his first year of college with a 3.0.


How (this part) of the story ends

The link above will take you to a long version of a final college choice for a 2.7 student.
Hint: it’s a happy ending