College Sports Questions

<p>Just a few questions…</p>

<li><p>Is it possible to play more than one varsity sport at the D3 level? What is the limit (three like in high school?)</p></li>
<li><p>Is it unheard of to do more than one intramural sport? Can you do as many as you want?</p></li>
<li><p>How about club sports?</p></li>

<p>Sorry for my cluelessness </p>


<p>I go to a D1 school (not a Varsity athlete) but I’ll try to answer your questions.</p>

<li><p>At D3, probably, depends on the school. I know some athletes at my school (again, D1) who do track and another sport but outside of Track/XC + “other sport”, it doesn’t happen often. Some of my friends from high school at D3 schools, on the other hand, are in football and basketball, or softball and track, or wrestling and football.</p></li>
<li><p>At my school intramural and club sport participation is unrestricted. It’s up to you to manage your time for practices and games. I’ve been part of 2 clubs (alpine ski race team, soccer) and several intramurals–volleyball, broomball, basketball, softball, flag football, ultimate, etc.</p></li>

<p>1) It’s certainly possible but the schools/coaches decide whether they’ll actually let you or not. In D3 I figure you’d be more likely to get to play more than one (assuming you’re talented) than in D1. It’ll take up a monstrous amount of time though.
2) Confusing question, since there are all different levels of intramural competition. Some are very, very competitive, while others are hardly competitive at all. Depending on the level it can either take up a lot of time or not all that much.
3) Same as above, although club sports tend to be really competitive.</p>

<p>Basically as long as your coach(es) agree you can play more than one, but it’ll take a lot of time.</p>

<p>At D3, there are lot of people that do more than one sport. XC and track particularly, football and track, etc. Usually it’s a fall and spring sport, because the winter season overlaps with both Fall and Spring, and you’d miss most of the season of one sport or the other. There’s nothing restricting you in general, more likely to be due to a particular coach or your own time/talent level.</p>

<p>Intramurals are usually open to anyone who doesn’t play that sport at the varsity level at that school. It’s mostly up to you as far as time commitment. </p>

<p>Club sports were intermediate between intramurals and varsity in terms of time commitment/ level of competition.</p>

<p>I played varsity soccer for a year at D3, burned out- it just wasn’t fun for me anymore, and I wasn’t having enough time to get the grades I wanted and do the other activities I enjoyed, so I quit. I joined the club lacrosse team the next year and they were much more forgiving of missing practice for labs and things like that. Even at D3, where there is no athletic scholarships, coaches expected athletes to schedule their courseload around practice and games, not the other way around. I liked club sports because it was competitive- we traveled and played other schools- but also forgiving of having a life outside of that sport and more realistic about why we were at that school.</p>

<p>i know at one D3 school in PA, its very common for kids to play more than one sport. one of my best friends from home plays both basketball and lax.</p>