College starts Jan 2022…Covid related changes

So…what other colleges are changing the starts of school in January?

UCONN will delay start of in person classes, and move on to dorms by a couple of weeks.

Where else are changes to the start of the term happening?

MODERATOR’S NOTE: The scope of this thread is limited to the question asked. Opinions on what colleges should do can be discussed in the below thread:

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Vanderbilt pushed back their start from January 10 to January 18th. Classes in person but pretty much everything else on hold to various degrees.

Northwestern announced that they will start the next term with two weeks of remote classes and have “to go” dining, but students are able to return to campus during that time. Boosters will also be required by 1/30. Past Messaging: COVID-19 and Campus Updates - Northwestern University

Temple University in Philadelphia announced back on Dec 22nd that they were starting classes virtually (begins Jan 10th) but the dorms would be open, and then yesterday they delayed the dorms for two weeks as well. Philly’s exploding with cases and I’m hoping we’ve reached out peak and can be in a good place mid/late January.

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Hamilton College is requiring the booster shot for all students who are eligible, and students have to take either a rapid or PCR test within 72 (ideally within 24) hours of arriving on campus (classes start 1/18). Students will be tested again upon arrival and most likely once a week until further notice. Masks must be worn indoors.

We’ve been very happy as parents as to the way Hamilton has handled Covid. The only time they were fully remote was in March, 2020 thru the end of the semester.


Tufts requiring booster shots.

Harvard is requiring booster shots. But otherwise, they have not made additional changes to the spring semester. Fortunately classes were always scheduled to not start until January 24, so there’s time hopefully for the omicron wave to begin to subside. They did, however, go remote for the winter break for anyone who is working there over break (which would not be the vast majority of undergrads). Fingers crossed for a good semester! Good luck everyone!

The University of Rochester is requiring the booster and a Covid-19 test prior to arrival. Students were told to be flexible and that an update would be provided sometime on or after 1/3. Spring semester starts on 1/10 for Eastman and 1/12 for the main campus.

CU Boulder just announced the start/move in date is being pushed back to 1/24 (from 1/10) with a move in of 1/21. However, some of this is due to the fires in the area. The fires didn’t affect student housing that much but staff and faculty live in the area, as well as resources (police, fire, power, stores that were damaged).

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Tennessee State now opening Jan 24. Southern U Jan 26. UT Dallas Jan 18.

Trinity in Tx requiring boosters .

Most UCs are on the quarter system with the first day being Jan 3. They are asking for students to come back this week but will be virtual 2 weeks (until 1/18) while they get everyone tested. I think Davis is the only UC that is testing everyone in one week and planning on starting in person classes on Jan 10. As far as I know, Berkeley (semester with first day 1/18) is still planning on in person classes.

USC classes start on 1/10 but the first week will be virtual.

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Tufts in person, starting on time, boosters and testing 3x / week


Union College starts classes tomorrow. They are remote (and at home) for week one. Booster required as is a negative test prior to heading back to campus next week (in home rapid OK, but need time stamped picture of results). Testing twice the week they return and weekly after that.

What kind of test? Do they need a negative PCR 72 hours prior to arrival? Colgate is asking for that and parents are having a hard time making that happen without going through private online companies who will rush results. I’d like to gather some info and tell Colgate that other colleges are accepting rapids on arrival. (Bowdoin does.)

Colgate is already doing a rapid and a PCR for everyone when they arrive. Then asking everyone to mask up except for dorms for three-five days when they run another PCR for all students. No mention of remote class. I believe they are planning to be in person.

From Williams email: “In addition, as announced previously, before returning to campus, we are requesting that students get a Covid test if at all possible, understanding that access to tests is difficult at the moment. If you are unsure where to get a pre-arrival test, please use the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services nationwide testing locator to find the nearest testing site to your location. We encourage PCR tests whenever possible, but rapid tests are an acceptable option if need be.”
(Link to the whole email:

Students were not required to upload or show proof of the test in any way.

I paid to rush a PCR result for my son. Made the appointment about a week out. So glad I didn’t wait until the last minute to try to get an appointment, as it’s very tough to get PCR tests in my area right now.

UT Austin just announced mostly virtual classes for the first two weeks.


We are asking faculty members to teach remotely for the first two weeks of the semester, with a target date of January 31 to return to the originally assigned teaching modality. Some may choose to teach in person, while also providing online delivery between January 18 and January 28. Students will be notified as soon as possible if any of their courses will be taught with an in-person option.

All classes will shift back to the assigned teaching modality on January 31. At that time, we do not expect that online delivery will be provided for classes listed as in-person or hybrid in the course schedule. Therefore, students will be expected to be present for all in-person activities. If a student must miss class for health reasons, the student will need to make up missed work using standard procedures and resources, including student emergency services.

Texas Tech will allow each faculty member to decide if they want to teach online or hybrid or keep their class in person for the first 3 weeks with all classes going back to in person
on February 4th. All other services such as dining remain in person.

It appears schools are taking a varied approach in their responses to their returns to school post winter break. Brown appears to have pivoted away from many of their peers and will be in person citing the greater risk to students mental well being vs the diminished risk on a vaccinated campus.

“A couple of weeks ago, Brown announced we would be back in January, in person, as planned. This wasn’t a decision the administrators took lightly, I am sure. But it was the right one. I’ll be back in the classroom, with my students, where they belong.”

Personally I agree and am thrilled as a Brown parent. What do others think?


Tufts is also returning in person with stronger mitigation efforts.

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Good, glad Brown is back to in person.

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