College Suggestions in the West at $33K annual budget after merit

The stress is less :slight_smile: It’s hard for them to understand but they can have a wonderful experience at most any school - plus many a kid’s dream school turns out a nightmare - bad roommate or profs they don’t understand. I hope she gets in - but she can have a wonderful opportunity even at Western - which sounds like a wonderful school from everything I read. Didn’t love UW personally - especially the red square and the insane traffic surrounding.

Wishing her luck - and she’ll be successful because of her- not the school name!!


This is so true and I wish more kids understood this - including my own kid. They can be successful most anywhere.

Thanks, agreed. My older D goes to Western, has had ups and downs like pretty much everyone.
I would actually like to see her go somewhere like Willamette. Worried about getting classes etc at UW. Area around UW is not my favorite part of Seattle but not as bad as most of Downtown.

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I think she gets that better at this age than my older one did. A part of her wanting to go to UW is being able to more easily continue her Irish dance, not too caught up in prestige but does afford more opportunity down the road.

I just try to keep in mind that these are hard decisions for 18 yo and try to be helpful while not being annoying.

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For my D22 Gonzaga ended up being her most expensive acceptance. COA there would have been $40K, compared to $32K at Willamette. Gonzaga was off the list after the admitted students day, Willamette took the #2 spot, and ultimately she ended up at her #1, DePaul (COA $36K).

Just a couple of data points for you. I’m glad your D has some good acceptances in the bag!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Budget has moved with my younger D. Would be ok with that result for Gonzaga if she decided to go there.
We had Univ of St Louis on the original list but she wants to stay in Pac NW. If one of the schools in CA gives a ton of merit or Santa Clara winds up being viable then she might change her mind.


Funny, my D also was accepted at SLU, also off the list after admitted students day. I liked both SLU and Gonzaga but could see why my D didn’t see herself at either. She is loving DePaul however. (We are from CA and my D did not want to stay in CA!)

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What moved the needle on DePaul? Anything she didn’t like as much at Gonzaga or SLU? My Mom lives near Santa Clara and we go to CA with some frequency (live in Seattle area).

Well, despite the number of Catholic universities on D’s list, we are not Catholic, or even religious at all. SLU and Gonzaga had a very similar vibe in that there were lots and lots of kids from Catholic high schools who wanted to continue to be surrounded by kids and families like them. DePaul, despite being the largest Catholic university in the country, doesn’t feel like that at all. Plus my D really loved Chicago and neither St. Louis nor Spokane could compare to that cool urban-ness. She’s been really happy there, enjoying her classes, really clicking with her roommate, and loving being in the big city.


Interesting. I kind of like Spokane but cool urban setting it is not. My older D did not want to apply there as it is in “middle of nowhere”.
We are Catholic but my D doesn’t want to be around the same crowd per se. We do like the idea of a Jesuit education.

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Also didn’t know that DePaul was the largest Catholic Uni, would have guessed Notre Dame.


Many of the Catholic schools hit the sweet spot for size between 5000 to 10,000. Many don’t have Greek life, which appeals. Many don’t have big time football (sorry ND and BC), and that appeals. Many are urban as they were founded to educate inner city residents. Many have good basketball.

But yes, there is a pipeline from some catholic hs to catholic colleges.


Waiting on my D to hit the button on her last application, Gonzaga. She told me tonight “relax not due tonight at midnight but tomorrow at midnight”.

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She hit the button for Gonzaga today! Also another acceptance Univ of Portland. She also received approx $30k per year in merit!


Was a nice surprise as expect to hear from several schools around 12/15.


Waiting on Santa Clara, hopefully they will send a decision today. Think this one could be a decline or deferral. My D is 7-7 so far so guess the streak has to end at some point. She is more interested in University of WA and they do not inform applicants until March.

Regardless she has some great options. I am pushing Willamette as she received enough merit to make it reasonable and the 3-2 law degree program would be great.

Hope everyone is doing well during this stressful but exciting time!


My D received a waitlist from Santa Clara today. She had a friend from another HS that was rejected.


Waitlist is the hardest. :hugs:

Not trying to be a downer but make sure to level set expectations. Historically SCU has been ok per the CDS taking a few hundred a year. The latest shows thought that they offered nearly 5k a spot, nearly 3k joined. Mind you only 1549 enrolled. So they seem to offers far more kids WL then they’ll ever need. 138 came off the WL.

So it’s not as bad as other privates but the odds are still low.

Not trying to be a downer but from a realism perspective it’s always good, IMHO, to look at WL as to what it is - a rejection - but a hedge for the business
I mean school, if they fall short of their revenue goals. And most go need aware on their WL.

It’s best if a student, after expressing interest and uploading grades, etc moves on and finds another school to love. Thus way it’s not crushing later. If you get in, then it’s like hitting the lottery and you can celebrate.

Too many hang on emotionally when these schools are offering spots, in SCU’s case, to 3x the kids they even enroll.

Best of luck to your student.


Thanks. Yeah, my D took a little solace in waitlist vs rejection but has other great choices and moving on.

Didn’t know the stats you listed but was drawing the same assumption already.