College Suggestions in the West at $33K annual budget after merit

She was just rejected from Univ of WA. Looking at the thread, acceptances were all 4.0 uw pretty much, crazy.


But she has fantastic optionsand hopefully affordable - and if so, well played!!


Agreed! Well played! My daughter just got rejected too - in state - her first rejection and she has 14 other great options. I’d say we played it well, also. High five! (Pssst . . . UW is where fun goes to die - and I am a loyal alumna).


My wife and I have mixed emotions. We were worried about class sizes and difficulty in registering for classes but my D wanted to go to UW.

Yes, well played as well!

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btw - it’s good to get rejected (in my opinion). I wanted both my kids to get rejected - one got hit by one out of 15 and the other four of 21. I wish the first would have aimed higher - even though he ended up at the easiest of all to get into.

This shows you - that you aimed high enough. You stretched. That’s a good thing.


My wife and I set up a display yesterday with squishmallows and sweatshirts from Willamette, Seattle U, Univ of Portland, Gonzaga and Santa Clara. My wife mentioned a bit after that we had bought a UW sweatshirt we were going to return but she said she wanted to keep it…she likes sweatshirts!


UW can be grad school.


I am personally rooting for Willamette where she could shave a year off law school and have scholarships carry over.
She doesn’t like the small size and location.


I’m an Oregonian and I agree with your daughter! Salem is quite boring to me (and probably worse for a young adult). Great location for state politics, but that’s about it. UP is where my daughter goes and she loves it, even though she really wanted to get out of Portland for college to try living somewhere new. But Portland has so many benefits (despite its more recent challenges, which are overblown by click-bait-y media with an agenda). It’s very, very easy to get around and there is no shortage of fun stuff to do and great stuff to eat. Plus, tons of internship opportunities in all industries.


Location was one of the main reasons for my kid to nix Willamette. She did a fly in and the kids in her group and her quickly figured out the few places near by shut down too early in the evening.

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Waitlist from Santa Clara today after deferral in EA round. Was going to be too expensive regardless so not too big a deal.

Seems like the final 4 is Gonzaga, Univ of Portland, Seattle U and Willamette. My D is going to go to a class and spend some time at Seattle U next week.
It is a grueling 15 minute drive without traffic, lol.


What are the final price points of each school with merit? All great choices!

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Rough COA’s:
Gonzaga $45k per yr
Willamette: $35k per yr
Seattle U: $38k per yr
Univ of Portland: $38k per yr
Include tuition, room and board but not travel/other fees.
Did not receive any non-merit based financial aid.


That is super helpful thanks! It’s looking like our daughter will end up in New England in the same price range but with significant travel expenses of course - ugh!


Which school or does she have a final couple?

Umass Amherst
University of Rhode Island
University of Puget Sound

And we’re going to visit Salve Regina in Newport Rhode Island while we are there just in case. She still wonders if she would like a smaller school (probably not.)

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I’m curious what your and @JBSeattle impressions are of U of Puget Sound since you are both local-ish? My daughter who applied RD (from CA) got her official acceptance and merit offer today, and it’s a good amount of merit — $31K/year. That brings it close to in line to an in-state school for us and I’m contemplating taking her up there for a visit. It seems like a great location, beautiful campus, and seems good for vocal music which is her main EC. If big state schools end up feeling too big for her I’d really like to have her consider it, but it seems rare to hear much about the school on this site and I can’t figure out why!

Congratulations to you both on getting close to the finish line!

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just piping in to say (from the midwest) - that my D16 goes to grad school in providence RI and really likes it there!

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