College suggestions, please?

<p>Here are some quick stats:
SAT- 630 CR, 700 M, 790 W</p>

<p>GPA- 3.88 UW</p>

<p>SAT II- I'm going to take Math IIC, US Hist. and one more.</p>

<p>Most impressive ec's:</p>

<p>City Youth Commission: Actual city commission, hand picked by mayor and city council, 6 years by graduation (3 terms), most likely will be chairperson next year, was Treasurer sophomore year.</p>

<p>Freshman Class Treasurer at my school</p>

<p>Sophomore and Junior class representative at my school</p>

<p>6+ productions with school Drama Department (almost all leads); 2+ shows with an outside community theater</p>

Junior right now
White male from Northern California
Top 5 in California Public School</p>

<p>What colleges do you think I should start looking at based on all this?</p>

<p>Look at common data sets for schools you're interested in. Class rank is more important to know than GPA. Your SAT scores are good for UCs, too low for top privates. </p>

<p>UCs, Pitzer, Occidental, Scripps if female in CA. What do you want to study and where do you want to be?</p>

<p>By "top privates" do you mean the usual HYPS? Because I've never even DREAMED of going those haha.</p>

<p>But what about like Vanderbilt or UVA?</p>

<p>What will your major be? Do you want a small liberal arts college or a larger university? How about Berkeley? one of the other UCs? one of the Claremonts? USC?</p>

<p>My major will most likely be Business Management or Business Economics (because some schools don't offer a Management major)</p>

<p>I think you should apply to:</p>

<p>Stanford (this should be the super-reach that you definitely apply to)
Berkeley-great chance
UCLA-great Chance
USC-probably best choice
University of Chicago- a big reach but still possible
Claremont Mckennas-no problemo
Washington University-St. Louis
Michigan-Ann Arbor</p>

<p>some are reaches and some are matches..that's just a would be a lot better if you could switch your writing score with either of the other 2 scores though...</p>

<p>any hope at Vanderbilt whatsoever? Besides the usual "well anything's possible..."</p>

<p>I think you should look at the five US Service Academies.</p>

<p>Vandy is a real reach unless you go to a super hard school making you val with the 3.88.</p>

<p>Sorry, just read you're top 5. Try to raise you SAT 100 points (CR and math) and you have a shot.</p>

<p>Well I'd really like to raise my SAT score a little but I don't think I have time! I still need to take 2-3 subject tests and I don't wanna take them all on one day. Should I take subject tests this spring and then take the SAT again next fall? I don't think I'm doing EA or ED for any schools...</p>

<p>I think Sheed's list is an okay place to start, but a little misleading. Having bitten the "it's worth everybody's time" hook myself, I wrote numerous extra essays for Stanford, and I really don't suggest it. Neither Cal nor UCLA is out of reach, nor can they be counted on (especially the later, which has a reputation for unpredictable admissions). Claremont McKenna (no business or management major, if I'm correct, but very strong for future MB applicants) is definitely not "no problemo," though some of your ECs will shine there.</p>

<p>You do look like you'll be a strong applicant to lots of places, but I wanted to put a slightly more reasonable spin on those suggestions (and all of the above are as "in general" as they are specific to you). </p>

<p>Any ideas re: generalities you're looking for? Big, small? California, out of state? Public, private? How strong of a factor is cost? What do you want your college experience to be like? Is an accessible theater scene important to you? Sports? Politics? Climate? Social scene?</p>

<p>Big or small is fine but not TOO small
California or out-of-state is fine
Public or private
Cost is not an issue at all
Theatre would be nice but not necessary
Good sports teams would be good
Climate doesn't really matter but it can't be cold year round
Social scene needs to be BOPPIN' haha</p>

<p>You have a pretty good chance at Vanderbilt. From</p>

<pre><code>* 46% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher
* 25% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74
* 17% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49
* 8% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24
* 4% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99

  • 79% in top 10th of graduating class
  • 95% in top quarter of graduating class
  • 99% in top half of graduating class </code></pre>

<p>SAT Critical Reading: 630 - 720<br>
SAT Math: 650 - 740<br>
SAT Writing: 630 - 710<br>
Average: 2040</p>

<p>Really, you have a great chance at Vandy.</p>

<p>University of Michigan and
Northwestern University</p>

<p>They will fit your bill and they're excellent colleges.</p>

<p>Also look into Duke as a reach.</p>

<p>Any other comments or suggestions? Thanks for all the help so far. I think I'm just going to take my subject tests in May and June and then I'll think about my options over the summer and if I need to take the SAT one more time in October then I'll do so. Sound good?</p>

<p>I think that's a good plan. Subject tests are good to take while the info is still fresh in your brain. Perhaps you can also do some test prep over the summer, because with your rank and ECs, a higher SAT score will open many more doors for you (that said, your score is already very good and schools you like may be reachable. If you can afford to take the test again and you feel like it could benefit you, I'd go for it).</p>

<p>Okay so here is my list so far:
UCLA (semi-reach as far as stats but EC's may help)
Vanderbilt (semi-reach but I've been researching it and it looks SO NICE)
USC (eh...I've heard it doesn't live up to the hype, but a good school)
UNC-Chapel Hill (I thought this would be a reach but my SAT's at the mid-top to top of their ranges)
UCSB (safe match to safety I think right?)
Georgetown (reach again...gosh do I have too many reaches?)
Boston College (I don't really know but it seems interesting)
Florida (might be a slight reach right? Or am I completely wrong...)
Texas-Austin (I think this would be a safety right?)</p>

<p>So now that I typed that all down, I realized I have many reaches and some safeties, but pretty much no COMPLETE matches.</p>

<p>Any thoughts or ideas now?</p>

<p>Oh and University of Chicago...(not really sure where I stand there)</p>