college suggestions! PLEASE!

<p>sex: female
race: asian
location: mid-west
GPA: unweighted: 3.89-3.92
weighted: 4.27 - 4.37
SAT scores: first time: 2000
second time: hoping for 2200
ACT scores: state version (w/o writing): 29
national version: hoping for 32/33</p>

<p>speech and debate (officer 12)
mock trial
a little bit of: gymnastics, track, musical, dance</p>

<p>optimist oratorical contest winner (of district - two states) 2006
Engineering summer camp 2007</p>

<p>MAJOR: engineering</p>

<p>what do you guys think? reaches, matches, safeties</p>


<p>also . . .</p>

<p>I'm in IB, i doubt that'll help though</p>

<p>I've got lots of service hours though</p>

<p>Another question: is it alright to use recommendation letters from places i volunteer at? </p>


<p>it depends where ur applying</p>

<p>it really depends where u wanna go.
private or public?
competitive or not?

<p>yeah, there are thousands of schools you could get into, help us narrow it down.</p>

<p>i'd like to go to a private school, west coast or east coast probably, yes competitive
i was thinking berkeley, but i think my chances are slim there
maybe rice if i apply ED?
i'm working on raising my test scores, but i think my GPA is pretty much stuck in the hellhole it's in now, lol</p>


<p>is cornell out of the question?</p>

<p>Well, I wouldn't say that your GPA is "stuck in the hellhole." It's good enough to be competetive at almost any school you'll apply to (unless there's lots of grade inflation at your school, giving you a low class rank). If you can get your SAT up to 2200, you should be competetive at many top schools (being a female and going into engineering helps your chances).</p>

<p>The only weakness i really see, assuming you get your scores up, is the fact that you don't have many ECs that relate to your intended major. Other than the summer camp, it doesn't seem like you are showing much interest in engineering (maybe you could use your essay to express more interest). This may hurt your chances at top schools like Cornell and UCB, but other than that, you seem like a strong candidate.</p>

<p>i'm ranked 15 or 16 ish at my school, which, I'm not sure, but i think is the top public school in my state (if that helps), i've done math competitions but have not performed REALLY well . . . could you suggest some engineering ECs?

<p>15 or 16 of how many students, it's more looked at by percentages.
It's fine to use recommendations that are not from teachers, though, they are usually supplementary....also, if you give your community service hrs, colleges will have a better idea of how you spend your time.
as for more engineering might need some leadership on the list...perhaps you could start up your own club or service....or start up some reseerch/project with a group...</p>

<p>Math might be worth it to mention participation too...
chance me?</p>

<p>15/16 out of about 450, top 5%, does that up my chances?</p>

<p>comm service hours: above 400 (i have to do tons of hours for IB CAS and NHS) i hope that helps</p>

<p>start something on my own . . . that sounds good, but . . . i guess i don't know where to start (I'm very inexperienced in engineering stuff)</p>

<p>since i want to go into engineering, here's some more info: </p>

<p>science and math classes:</p>

<p>9th - pre-IB Bio
pre-IB algebra 2</p>

<p>10th - pre-IB chem
IB pre-calc (trig and stuff)</p>

<p>11th - IB chem
IB calc</p>

<p>12th (planned) - IB chem
BC calc</p>

<p>i've gotten As in all of these classes, my GPA is brought down by history classes only (IB american history and IB european history) </p>

<p>i want to go into engineering because math comes easy for me</p>

<p>my top schools:
carnegie mellon
colorado school of mines
wash U
U penn
columbia (WAY WAY WAY reach, but hey, what the heck)
U michigan</p>


<p>hmmm.... i really don't have the energy to chance you right now other than to say that you're on the right track.
I can also tell you that if get some leadership in there (start a club) and perhaps an engineering internship/self-studying in engineering it would look even better.</p>

<p>Harvey Mudd.</p>

<p>"i want to go into engineering because math comes easy for me"</p>

<p>Engineering actually does not require you to study math too far in-depth.</p>

<p>"Engineering actually does not require you to study math too far in-depth."</p>

<p>Really? Because if I recall correctly, some of the most difficult applied math comes from engineering. Fourier Analysis, Navier-Stokes (including turbulance), Coupled Feedback System Response, Modern Control, Continuum Mechanics...</p>

<p>A good engineering program is highly mathematical. A great one is not only highly mathematical but builds intuition.</p>

<p>engineering internship?
self-studying engineering?</p>

<p>where do i find these things? are there internships for high school students for engineering?
self-studying . . . how? like self-study a college course? how do colleges see that? (unless i get credits at a college)</p>

<p>man . . . wow

<p>there's a big difference between 2000 and 2200 and most of the schools ur lookin at. that's the difference between the 25percentile and 75th percentile. i know your goal is 2200 and your chances would drastically change if you got it. come back when u know for sure</p>

<p>token89 . . . </p>

<p>how about ACT scores?</p>