<p>my grades arent stellar
around a 3.1 gpa nearing the end of sophomore year (i hate this sooo much)
took ap biology this year (will take exam) and im taking 5 aps next year. </p>
<p>ive never taken any class under ap/honors</p>
<p>i know that my shot at an ivy is very far, so im starting to think about other schools. :/</p>
<p>so, what are some good schools for liberal arts? (ir, polisci) and business? </p>
<p>the catch!: i want to study abroad in spain for atleast one semester. </p>
<p>You don’t mention if your gpa mentioned is weighted or unweighted. Perhaps you should consider taking fewer “AP” classes, i.e take 2 or 3 in your stronger subjects and take a few CP level classes to help your GPA. Have some respectable extra-curricular activities. Sing up on-line for universities you are interested in. Visit them if possible. The schools like to see interest prior to application.</p>
<p>Almost all universities have study-abroad programs. You don’t mention your financial situation, but don’t rule out privates just due to cost…there is a lot of Financial Aid available… Talk to your school’s college advisor or start reasearching on-line. </p>
<p>Do some SAT preparation or ACT. There are prep books available at most all bookstores if you can’t find a class…</p>
<p>and i will be taking calculus level 2 (not honors) next year, most likely. </p>
<p>I am ahead in almost every subject: math, im in senior level class, sciences, college level, english on track (no other option and same with hisotry and spanish) </p>
<p>ive taken a lot of challenging courses. just things with my family and out of school have kind of ruined me. </p>
<p>cost isnt too much of an issue. but we would like to save as much money as we can. </p>
<p>ive already started prepping for my sat</p>
<p>i have a TON of EC, and next year, i will be in leadership positions in almost all of them. </p>
<p>and well probably make visits next year.</p>
<p>ive also done summer programs last year (2) , and i plan on doing atleast one this year. </p>
<p>also, ive scheduled my aps and classes for next year to be classes ill like and will have interest in, so it shouldnt be as tedious as this year (ap bio)</p>