College Visits this Summer?

<p>Anyone else doing college visits this summer? We are going to a few HBCUs and the up north for some visits. Looking at most State schools in the fall, since they are easier to get to and we can do tours on long weekends.</p>

<p>The big negative of summer tours is that you don't get to see the place in action, fully. But my family says it will be good just to feel out size, location, layout, academic programs, etc. of different places.</p>

<p>I have to put together a list of questions for admissions and student tour guides and sho them to parents this weekend. Game time! We've done this before, but this time parents said questions are on the kids shoulders, not theirs. Dad likes to give us a push once in awhile. With this stuff (college essays, visits, etc.) he is like "Get on it!".</p>

<p>Any tips for 'must ask' questions or things to really look closely at?

<p>I visited howard this summer, and i would definitely ask about the honors college, and how the school’s housing lottery works.</p>

<p>What did you think of Howard?

<p>It’s in a pretty bad area to be honest, i wouldn’t walk around there at night unless i was in a group of people to be honest. As for the campus it’s self, it’s alright. The quad is pretty nice, but its a pretty average campus. It’s also on a hill, so walking back and forth on the campus can be pretty tiring. The lunch room was pretty small (my high school cafeteria is bigger than it), but howard has a certain charm to it. I sorta felt at home when i stepped on the campus. I think it’s the type of school that’ll grow on you after a while.</p>

<p>Wellesley. BU. BC. maybe Brandies.
Already have done Simmons this summer. LOVED IT. And I think I will have a really good chance to get some financial aid as a senior.</p>

<p>I hated summer tours with my kids. Checking out a campus when it’s 95 degrees and humid makes me hate a school versus checking out a school on a beautiful day. Schools need to make the tours better in the summer -the tours should alternate from outdoor to indoor more, an air conditioned shuttle should be used at very large schools (some already do this, some don’t), bottled water stations, tented areas for shade. </p>

<p>Maybe I’m whining a bit and I’m done touring but having endured some very pleasant tours and a few brutal tours, I really believe the quality of the tour impacts how one may feel about the campus.</p>

<p>I’m visiting University of Minnesota on the 25th of July, which excites me because I’m from Texas :)>-
Also visiting A&M to get a feel for it, because I’m auto-admit</p>

<p>I visited UT a week ago since it’s my safety. I actually wouldn’t mind going there but hopefully I get accepted to somewhere else oos though</p>

<p>We’re touring several HBCU’s in the next two weeks with D and a friend. Being from Seattle, we expect this will be rather different from what we’re used to in many aspects. We’re looking at Fisk, TSU, Clark-Atlanta, Spelman, NCAT and Bennett. If anyone is interested I’d be happy to share our impressions when we return and I’ll probably have a running thread on the Parents Forum.</p>