<p>By far the most innovative programs at the top level are at Dartmouth. Dartmouth's D-plan (trimester system) makes it so most students do at least one program, and many do two to three. Unlike many other schools, the programs are not all language oriented by any means, and there is an environmental science program to Africa, Anthro to New Zealand, etc. Also, the programs are closed to Dartmouth students only and financial aid/ costs are 100% equal to a regular Dartmouth term. Finally, the programs for languages are diverse, there are programs for both advanced and beginner students. Its essentially a huge part of the Dartmouth culture. The programs are led by both local and Dartmouth professors, the Dartmouth professors leading tours and trips during the experience. In my experience in Barcelona, we visited Museums, parks, cities, etc. Often, Dartmouth footed the bill making it sometimes seem like a better deal than studying locally.</p>
<p>After the experience students continually meet, to this day I am still friends with people from my trip. The schools does an amazing job.</p>
<p>The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy hands down! In addition to the traditional classroom program, USMMA cadets spend a full 12 months traveling the globe aboard US flagged merchant vessels. By the time they grad the typical cadet will have visited twenty countries and sailed the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans as well as the Mediterranean Sea. </p>
<p>Just thought I'd mention, that the majority of students at Warren Wilson do a study program abroad. Anywhere from 8 weeks to a full term. And in many different places. you should check out thier website for more info on that.</p>
<p>Alot of the Minnesota colleges/universities offer extensive study abroad options. UM-Morris, Carleton, Macalester, St. Johns/St. Bens, St. Olaf's, St. Thomas, UM -Twin Cities.</p>
<p>ELON UNIVERSITY, in North Carolina, is Number 1. 63% of Elon's 2004 graduating class spent at least one term abroad.</p>
<p>"Elon sends more undergraduate students to study abroad than any other master's-level school in the nation."-- Open Doors Report 2004, Institute of International Education</p>
<p>I wanted to add, i don't know about other universities, but one of the nice things about the warren wilson abroad program is that it doesn't cost extra. You have to pay some extra for things like a plane ticket, but otherwise not.</p>
<p>Just joined this website today. Wonderful information. Wanted to mention another option. My son took a semester leave of absence from his high-priced college (Tufts) and went to Paris with a state program paying in-state tuition. The entire program, including travel in the summer, cost less than one semester at his college. And he was able to get almost all the credits transferred so he can still graduate on time. He had to work out what credits they would accept before he left.</p>
<p>Kalamazoo in Michigan is a small LAC famed for its study abroad program. Kalamazoo College has been ranked #1 for its study abroad program in US News & World Report 2003 Edition America's Best Colleges, and 85% of its students study abroad.</p>
<p>Tufts has one of the best study abroad programs ranked by ____ (I forget which, was it Newsweek?). Over 40% of the juniors at Tufts study abroad, and many people I have talked to (that studied abroad) considered it to be well worth the initiative. Supposedly a Tufts education is not complete without it, but I'm unfortunately not going anywhere.</p>
<p>Also consider whether they allow mutliple study abroad oppurtunities per student, if you want to travel to several places. At Middlebury, renowned for the langauges, you only have one oppurtunity to study abraod. So that should be a consideration</p>
<p>For top students, the best study abroad oppertunity in the nation is easily at the University of Georgia through the UGA Foundation Fellowship. Those students who win this award get free trips with fellow students every spring break to places like South Africa, Egypt, New York City, and South Korea. After freshman year, all the freshman students in the program go to New Zealand or some other place for a month. In addition, each student has nine thousand dollars to use on two study abroad trips wherever and whenever that student wants. So for a student interested in travelling, definitely look into this hard-to-get but worthwhile program.</p>
<p>kalamazoo comes to mind, I remember reading their stuff, study abroad there is almost required, because people expect it (see above stats)... I almost applied there, until I decided that I couldnt take myself seriously going to a school named Kalamazoo.</p>