College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

Yes, per counselor list servs/communications.


I thought she was going to Grown (her “dream school”). Change of plans?

Congratulations on her great options!

I feel like in the short term, the WL feels better than rejection, but in the long run, it’s more toxic. At least that’s how it would feel for me. The WL should be a realistic size, maybe a little more this year due to yield unpredictability.


I told my kid to think of the WL as “you were good enough to go here, but they already had enough kids like you and they want a more diverse class”. So, the main reason they’d pull him off the WL is if the kids like him went somewhere else. Presumably, kids like him want to go there as much as he does, so it’s unlikely.

At this point, I’m not sure he’d change course from the place he committed to, but he’d consider it.


They gave her a week, but was told it can be extended if we don’t receive FA in time.
My D had really good conversation with an AO who called to let her know of admission to Amherst before she received an email.
I think they are really being nice.


That’s great, it’s such a tough decision.

Yes, she’s committed to Georgetown-SFS and still thrilled about going there.
She was waitlisted at 9 schools and took the WL offer on 4 schools.
We had absolutely no expectation from Amherst since there were 0 and 6 acceptances from WL for last two years.
On paper, the other three are top 10 schools, but she will probably take Georgetown over any of them.
I think, with Amherst, she’s going to think it over.
Also, it’s not going to be a deciding factor, but we received the least amount of FA from Georgetown among all admitted schools and I know Amherst will do much better.


I think i was not clear. She didn’t get into her top 3 choices, but has accepted biomedical at a great place. Think you misunderstood my frustration - I saw her feeling bad and hence i wrote that i should have been more conservative in my position. Not sure why you took offence and questioning on whether it helps or not. Fact is “Life is not fair” and college admission is similar. I am just trying to reduce disappointments. If we shouldn’t be complaining, then 50% of CC posts should not be there


Has she had a chance to visit Amherst? Amherst is a special place w/beautiful environs and campus. My D18 got into both my alma mater Williams and rival Amherst. If it had come down to those 2 choices, she would have broken my heart and would have happily gone to Amherst. I had taken her to Williams countless times for reunions and other events but something about Amherst resonated more with her. She especially loved the vibe and student-centric energy of the Pioneer Valley and it’s Five Colleges. If Amherst is materially less expensive than Georgetown, it would be tough to turn away.


I totally agree - especially based on some of the comments I am reading from the students who are waiting for the waitlist decisions. My daughter was waitlisted by 2 schools. But she is extremely happy with the school she committed to, which wasn’t her first choice when she began but she became excited by it pretty quickly. It took her a day to get over ivy day, and then she realized she had offers from multiple top 10 non-ivy schools and didn’t need them. :grin: The school she chose had already moved up her ranks after her interview because it was one of her two favorite interviews by far. The interviewer made her excited about the school and also was engaged and listening to her. So, she isn’t paying attention to what is going on with the waitlist at all. Where she committed is arguably the better school than one of the schools she is waitlisted to. It is certainly ranked higher. The other is an ivy and she realizes there is almost 0 hope of getting off that one, and even if she did I am not sure she would jump ship. She really enjoyed her admitted student day.


We’re from CA and we were in Boston a couple of weeks ago to visit Dartmouth, another WL school which I think my D has a good shot if they go to WL.
We were thinking of going to Amherst too but we just didn’t, because we thought she had no chance of getting off WL.
We will definitely visit Amherst if my D will consider Amherst.
If wasn’t for her major, international politics, this would’ve been a easy choice.

When they send the email and ask if you are interested in an offer - what if you say yes but then end up turning down the offer? Does this happen a lot?

Any idea how they are letting kids know? Email? Phone calls? TIA!

The offer is not binding, so you can certainly change your mind. If you need to see the offer before deciding (i.e. because financial aid/scholarship, etc are important factors for you) or you simply need more time to decide whether you’d pick that school vs the one you committed to, then tell them you’re interested.

On the other hand if you know you’d not pick that school over your committed school then decline, so they can offer the spot to someone else who really wants to go.

Btw, are you asking this about UMich or some other school? And have they already contacted you or is this hypothetical?

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Sorry, I don’t know those details!

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D was notified that Skidmore will not be taking anyone off the waitlist–they’re full! We hadn’t visited and it was unlikely to be affordable anyway.


My daughter was accepted off the waitlist tonight as well.