College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

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Wesleyan waitlist is moving?

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Any word on this?

All I know is the response from Mwfan1921 that there has been movement. We are anxiously waiting as our daughter is waitlisted. I can’t find anything else though online or any posts that anyone has received notification. Hoping for the best!!!

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Please send link for the thread of waitlist closures, TY!

See my post above

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Thanks so much!! We have heard of only a couple of WL acceptances at D22’s school 
 WashU and Emory. Can’t believe WL’s are closing at some schools. On the NYU waitlist thread, a parent said that she spoke to the AO at NYU and was told they are not expecting to make Fall offers, and will be done with Spring soon.

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My daughter’s friend got accepted for spring 23 at NYU yesterday. He is the 8th kid who is going to NYU from the school


our h.s. has at least one kid who got pulled off WL to WashU. hoping the trend continues (of kids getting in off WL). this app season was unnecessarily brutal and frustrating.


It seems like very limited waitlist movement this year compared to previous years
 Or is it too early to tell?
I’m seeing many colleges closed up the waitlist already, but is this usually like this?

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I didn’t monitor the WL movement last year. Anecdotally, someone I know got off UCLA waitlist this week OOS.


Boston University will be overenrolled again this Fall, it was announced. This is despite the acceptance rate falling from 18% to 14%. So, their closing the waitlist is understandable.
Letter to Boston University Faculty and Staff, Spring 2022 | Office of the President (


A co-worker is applying to law schools and is on several waitlists (and in at some schools). He got what I thought was a very kind email from Penn saying “we’re full” and that there would probably be no movement, i.e., move on. Some other schools are just stretching things out, waiting for the dominoes to fall and open up one or two spots.

I think it is kind of mean of the top schools to keep their waiting lists open with hundreds of names on the lists when there is only a tiny tiny chance of getting in.


Based on postings here on CC, Northeastern has accepted a few students off their waitlist for the NU In. Program. That involves fall semester abroad. No reports yet of acceptances for regular Fall enrollment in Boston.

I wish more schools would give a set date that they promise to close the WL by. The system completely works to their benefit, and them knowing they can send a WL offer to cover a vacancy they have allows maximum flexibility while the vast majority of the kids numbering in the thousands in some cases, have no chance.


Last year was just as slow if not worse. Some of the schools that are offering waitlist offers this year took no one last year. Perhaps they made fewer offers this year to compensate? Waitlists do tend to have a trickle down effect, so there may be more movement in the coming weeks. I agree though it does not seem like it’s going to be a big year for the waitlist at least what we’ve seen so far.


My D’s friend was offered a spot off the Northeastern WL last week. She declined.


I agree, it does seem as though there is overall more movement than last year at least.


Was it to the NU In program or regular Boston September admission?

The problem here is they don’t know how many spots will open due to summer melt. I think the system in place benefits both applicants and schools equally.

If a spot opens up July 15 and a student accepts, that student clearly wanted the spot. If a school wants to offer a spot, they benefit as well.

If the protracted nature is too much for applicants—and I understand why many feel that way—applicants can always withdraw from waitlists.