College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

I believe it was regular admissions, although I am not certain.

I was delighted when my daughter picked math as her major last year. Math has truly become one of the most flexible subjects as it is the basis for so many areas. This was not the case thirty years ago when I was I college (majoring in CS) - there was not much you could do with a math degree except teach.


UCSD movement.

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I think this will be a very low WL year. NYU just sent an email to all waitlist applicants which says:

“Thank you for your patience with our waitlist process. I am writing to provide you with an update. This year, an unprecedented number of admitted students chose to enroll at NYU. We will only be able to admit an extremely small number of students from the waitlist. If we are able to offer you a space to join us, you will have 96 hours to respond to our offer. We will continue to monitor if any spaces become available. I ask that you not send any additional statements, credentials, or letters of recommendation to our office. If you would like to be removed from our waitlist, you may do so through your NYU Applicant Portal by submitting the NYU Waitlist Response Form again. Otherwise, you can expect another update on the status of our waitlist no later than June 1st. While I know this is not the email you may have been hoping to receive from us, I am confident that you will find success wherever you choose to enroll.”


Even though INDICATIONS are that many MIGHT have increased their waitlist size, obviously many of these schools are finding that their offers are being accepted to levels that don’t allow for any waitlist movement, such as:

The College of The Holy Cross (Worcester) - received 5/8/22
 “Due to the number of students who have accepted our offer of admission, we are currently at our target class size. While we typically enjoy the opportunity to admit a small number of students from the waitlist we are unable to do so at this time.”

They do then offer an option to remain on a “summer waitlist” for any last minute spaces opening due to finances, cold feet etc.

I’ve heard (I haven’t verified) that BU might again be over capacity limit (or close to it). I’m not sure if I “heard” this on this thread or on the local news


Sorry - that was indeed several posts before mine! Sorry my mind is mush these days! So much happening in a short timespan!

Please note that the Reddit post that was linked has been removed so it looks like it might not be a legitimate waitlist acceptance from UCSD.



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Agree – I’m parent to a kid from class of '21 who was on 6 waitlists last year, so I followed pretty closely. To me it seems like there is incrementally more movement this year, though obviously it doesn’t feel like much. Son never got off any of the 6 last year, which was fine in the end. He’s very happy where he is. 2020 was a huge outlier because of COVID, so lots of kids got offers off waitlists. Last year all the folks in college admissions told us that waitlists were insanely high because colleges didn’t know how to speculate yield since applications went WAY up, and they expected waitlists would be active. In the end, there was very little movement overall with the exception of a few schools (notable in CA, at least, UCSC). This year who knows, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s similar to last year.


There definitely seems to be more movement on the CC boards than in “real life” which is so crazy to me – if only 100 or 150 kids get off a waiting list in the entire country, it amazes me that a chunk of them are on CC.


My kid contacted a potential roommate at UC Davis, and she had just come off the wait list for Santa Barbara, so she found one in real life!


I figure that there’s probably some correlation between kids who are on CC and those whose stats/qualifications are probably higher – enough so that maybe they are on the higher part of the stack of waitlisted kids.


5 different kids have gotten off various T30 WL at our school(private HS, graduating class under 150, normally about 1/3 matriculate to T30s). Those are just the ones we know of. One of those kids has gotten off 2WL already. All of the schools have posts of at least some WL activity on these boards . It is somewhat more movement than last yr at the top, based on our school.


Verification that there is indeed movement on the UCSD waitlist. Not sure why the Reddit post was removed but several posts with legitimate offers have been made.


Which schools?

Did Holy Cross put out their admission rate for the class of 2022? I really liked HC but my son ended up chosing another school.

Per Reddit, Emory moved.


They only took 297ish RD students so I think we’ve given up. I can’t imagine they would need to go to the waitlist
that info was from the Wesleyan Argus newspaper article. They also link to a google doc of the meeting the admissions details were discussed.

Clearly, there is WL movement but it seems pretty universal that it is limited – which is really the way it should be, right? I dislike the model of some schools that use the WL as a form of filling their classes with their specific desirable class members – I think it’s wrong to WL people who MUST deposit elsewhere and lose their money for their WL offer in order for them to get exactly the type of student they want. To rely on the WL as a means of getting their preferences is not right – knowing they are extending less offers to deserving candidates to cherry pick.


Wake Forest’s website says they expect to take 50 students from the waitlist. Hope those who really wanted Wake can go.

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