College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

Could you send me a link? I can’t seem to find it? TY!

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Sorry, I should have clarified, I was referring to xine1’s comment about Wesleyan.

I appreciate schools that give this kind of specific information – transparency is ironically so hard to find these days…


Berkeley WL moved.

That post was removed - possibly a fake post. At least that’s the conclusion in the Berkely discussion. UC Berkeley Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion - Colleges and Universities A-Z / University of California - Berkeley - College Confidential Forums

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Such a bummer

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Yes, as others on the Wesleyan board have pointed out, they’re operating in uncharted territory at this point; it’s been over fifty years since Wesleyan has had so few places to fill in the RD round.


At the risk of sounding like Carrie in Sex and the City, “I can’t help but wonder…” will schools like Wes rethink offering ED2. I know it’s unlikely, but I do think what’s happened to RD admissions to schools that offer ED1 and ED2 is out of control.


I wonder too and agree getting rid of ED2 is unlikely. The schools which fill a high proportion of students in ED rounds AND meet full need are more honorable than those which don’t meet full need.

And for students who can’t afford their EFC as calculated by the colleges, they can’t apply to meet full need schools regardless of round (with the exception of schools that offer highly competitive full ride type scholarships that a student might have a change of winning).


I think I replied to wrong quote

My DD has decided not to take the offer from Amherst, and pursue her dream at Georgetown.
I am just glad that it wasn’t as difficult decision for her as it was for me and she’s clearly determined on her career path.
As a parent, I think we tend to worry too much about our kids, or is it just me?
Anyway, we’re so happy to end this grueling process of college admission, and looking forward to the beginning of new chapter for my daughter.
I would like to thank everyone who cheered with us and supported us here at CC.


Actually, there were movements for Berkeley yesterday, but it’s quite small and it seems to be mainly internationals.

I just saw that Tufts’ waitlist moved.

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As I keep hearing about schools over-enrolled with higher than anticipated yield and no waitlist movement (Bowdoin, Williams, Haverford, amongst others on the closed waitlist thread), and no real movement so far coming out of the most competitive ivies, it is a head scratcher. With so many kids applying to so many more schools this year, some college out there must have ended up under-enrolled for so many to be over enrolled or at capacity. Maybe the colleges are getting better at identifying which students will actually attend?


Where did you hear Bowdoin is overenrolled? Just bc they did not go to WL does not mean they are overenrolled. They could have hit a number they like and assume a small melt over summer that they are also comfortable with.


Can we expect any WL movement today… Friday, the 13th😜


Good point. They said 500 is the entering class they are hoping for in an earlier press release and announced 521 enrolled in yesterday’s press release.

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They’ll lose a few over summer and the class size will be just about where they want. Having 15 or so kids over 500 isn’t unusual for them. Considering they are looking at such small numbers, they are pretty good at predicting yield!


Read that ND, GW, Georgia Tech, and Columbia WL’s are closed — can’t vouch for that but that is what I am reading on the various CC threads and a few posts on Reddit. Can anyone confirm?