College Waitlists in 2022 -- possibilities or pipedreams?

At least anecdotally and from my reading various boards, it seems the big waves of activity are over for the most part (not sure if there are exceptions)-- this is my first experience with the college application process so maybe I am just not reading the right boards. I do know that there are kids getting off a WL right through summer, but it seems like it’s smaller numbers.

I agree that most WL activity has probably happened. This is where the “melting” starts slowing down.

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There are fewer unique people than you might imagine across the fora. People cross-post between college confidential, reddit and discord - so it’s really the same kid multiplied 3 times.

You are right, though. It’s a trickle at this point. Still on 1 waitlist. I have read of no acceptances only rejections from this waitlist. The other waitlist admitted someone with radically different demographics from D22 (so yeah, that stings less).


My kid is still on several waitlists, including Michigan who hasn’t admitted anyone yet for LSA. We know at least 20 kids who are still waiting on their own waitlists. It isn’t even June yet. Typically it goes well into June.


When people get waitlisted, they seek information - what does it mean, how do I get off it, and this tends to send them to the internet…


I am a student who has checked this thread every few days. I just want to say Michigan has been an exception to the rule for years now. Most of its total WL activity for the upcoming year has not happened yet. Even relative to other large public schools, Michigan is usually the last to close. Good luck to your kid!


Thank you! She would definitely jump at the chance to attend but also feeling like it’s time to move forward with her accepted school. Such a crazy year for sure.

My kid’s tentative room mate at UC Davis got admitted off the wait list at U Mich for data science and has accepted the offer. She told my daughter so on May 19th, not sure when she actually got the notification from Michigan.

Oh interesting. Thanks for sharing that. I haven’t seen anything about any LSA admits on here or Reddit. That certainly means the waitlist has moved somewhat.

A Data Science major could be either CoE or LSA at Michigan.

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The in-state waitlist has been moving for a few weeks now. I don’t think the out-of-state or international waitlist has moved, though. I’m 99% sure that kid must have been in-state.

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NYU waitlist kids got an email that everything is at capacity and unlikely there will be any spots, and they will update again on July 1. So it’s basically over with the rare exception of someone backing out. I can confirm, D22 told me she got that message.

Have been seeing posts like this in other forums as well with other schools.

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Good (ish) news here. Rejected one WL (Georgetown business) and sophomore transfer option (Cornell Dyson)!

Both were reaches.


I am assuming this kid’s major at U Mich is the same as at UC Davis, which was Data Science, but I have no more details.

This kid is from the Bay area in California, in state for UC Davis but out of state for Michigan.

NYU sent an email on June 29 that the WL is now closed. Seems like this year was a low numbers year. I guess we will only know after the CDS for the schools are released. NYU is not transparent about WL though – they do not release WL numbers.

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