College with good support services and integrated internship program

Looking for a good fit for a kinesthetic learner who has ADHD. He likes to “do” more than he likes to listen. Most colleges are more listening so I’m looking for a place that evens that out a bit. Looking for good internship programs – preference given to schools where it is actually part of the curriculum. West coast and mid west preferred.

Unforch not in your preferred region but check out RIT in upstate NY. It’s mostly known for engineering, but even in other areas they have strong internship/co-op program and very “do-y” classes.


Take a look at the ‘work colleges’


Berea and Warren Wilson are two of the work colleges. They’re not in the West or Midwest but might be worth checking out. What are his GPA and test scores if he’s going to submit?

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I, too, recommend RIT. They have a great co-op program. My son attends a school for kids with ADHD/dyslexia and many kids end up at RIT because it has very good support services.

Another school you might want to look into is Cornell College in Iowa. They do 1 class at a time which works really well for some kids with ADHD. It allows for a lot of out of the classroom and hands-on time for each class as teachers can structure the time to meet their needs. They have a lot of videos on Youtube that you can check out.


Never heard of the ‘Work Colleges’. Thank you!

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I will look at RIT. Cornell College is interesting but for someone who is slow to start the class would likely move too quickly to get all the material covered in one month.

3.6 GPA and no test scores

What major? Some have better potential for hands on experiences than others.

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Check out the Parents of the Class of 2022 3.0-3.5 thread. Might get some good suggestions there. Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

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Undecided about his major. Not math or computer science.

So what majors! It’s hard to get “hands on experience” in philosophy, for example. Or history or English.

If he is really a hands on person, has he considered any of the hands on trades?

How would he feel about about Cal Maritime? A private-LAC-sized student body (under 1000 undergrads) with small classes, for a CSU price. Waterfront campus in Vallejo. Training cruises and other work experiences built into the curriculum. Lots of structure and camaraderie as part of the Corps of Cadets, but no military obligation - only 8% of graduates go on to military careers. Some of the available majors are very hands-on, with great employment prospects (highest employment rate in the entire CSU system Why Choose Cal Maritime? Explore Us! - CSUM ). Majors and Minors - CSUM

Cal Poly SLO is probably out of reach stats-wise, but there are a lot of majors at Cal Poly Pomona that he could get into, and the whole philosophy is “learn by doing.”

It really depends what he enjoys and what his strengths are. Is he artistic? Into building/fixing things? Does he like to be outdoors?

A program like this could be heaven for an outdoorsy kid Outdoor Adventure Leadership, BA/BS - SOU Academic Programs

There are some great community college programs that impart employable skills in the first two years but also have potential to go on to 4-year programs. For example, the Surveying and Geomatics AA at Evergreen Valley College - you can work as a surveyor with the AA/AS, but you can also go on to get a Geomatics Engineering degree at Fresno State.

It really depends on what he enjoys.

These are exactly the things he enjoys. He loved being outdoors, loves physical activity and heavy work. Thanks for all the info. I have been wanting to check into Cal Maritime. It sounds intriguing. Thank you!

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Here are acceptance rates by major at CPP Construction Engineering & Management, Landscape Architecture, and Agribusiness are all practical majors that are accessible admissions-wise. (Other potential Construction Management programs include Chico State and Colorado State, which is a WUE reciprocity school.)

Humboldt State (which is probably going to become the third Cal Poly at some point in the next few years) also has a lot of terrific outdoor-oriented programs. Multiple tracks of Recreation Administration, multiple tracks of Forestry, Environmental Resource Engineering, Fisheries Biology, Rangeland Resource Science, Wildlife Management… many many options, and Living/Learning Communities to go with them. Pretty good disability services as well, based on friends’ experiences.

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I bet he would LOVE Warren Wilson then. They have lots of opportunities for all of the above.

Warren Wilson has a working farm and students run it. As one of the Federal Work Colleges all students are required to be on a work crew that helps run the college.

They also have programs like Fine Woodworking, but also have programs like Conservation Biology and Outdoor Leadership and Creative Writing.

Don’t know if he’s open to being on the right half of the country, but if so check it out.

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In the “left half,” maybe look at Prescott College

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