College without high school diploma?

Hi everyone! I am wondering if anyone out there knows about the high school diploma requirements at different colleges and universities. I know that some top schools (i.e. Princeton and Harvard) do not require a high school diploma for admission, and I am interested in general trends or noteworthy schools that do or do not have stringent requirements. I am a sophomore considering applying to colleges in the fall of my Junior year (I cannot graduate as a Junior). There is also a chance I’ll be an exchange student next year, and in that case applying early might still be on the table! I am interested in state schools where I’d be in an honors college or program and on significant scholarship (I’ve looked into Rutgers, UVA, UGA, UNC, University of Alabama, and my mind is open to others) as well as private schools where I’d be able to get enough aid (I have about $4500 in the bank and my parents have less). If anyone can make anything of my situation, I appreciate it and thank you in advance! I haven’t decided on a major, but I’m interested in all disciplines and have considered becoming an engineer or a teacher :).

Some background: I am a white, female high school sophomore from New Jersey. I was homeschooled last year (and only last year), but I go to a good public school now. SAT: M800, CR800, W710. SAT2 Math 2: 800. AP Calc BC: 5. AP Statistics: 5. I have a part-time job and volunteer in my school’s tutoring center and at the public library.

Courses last year: Calculus BC for AP, Statistics for AP, Biology, Chemistry, US History to 1865 (community college), University Physics I (community college), Spanish 5 Advanced, Music, First Aid/Health/Personal fitness.

Courses this year: English II, AP United States History, PE/Driver’s Ed, Women’s Choir, Mandarin I, Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra Accelerated, AP Physics C.

Tentative courses for next year if I don’t go abroad: AP English Language (might drop for regular English III), AP World History, Mandarin II or III, Math and possibly physics at Princeton University, Choir, PE/Health

Sorry idk about high school requirements but I sure can tell u are one smart woman…

You will need to look at the school’s admission websites. There are too many variables to consider. Also you may want to consider early colleges. Bard Simon’s Rock is the most famous but there are others. Wikipedia has a list if you google “Early entrance to college wikipedia” it should come up. In addition to those listed, some universities may have early entrance programs, as you described.

I would caution you to consider taking some time before starting college, however. I say this as someone who graduated from high school early. Several other people I know who started college early have often regretted their decisions. Being “ahead” may seem exciting, but this may be a great time to get some experience in the world beyond studying. Real world experience–even if it’s dipping ice cream for the summer–can help you once you go back to your studies. There’s nothing like the practical education you get when doing real work. Also please consider SCA (Student Conservation Association) for getting out and doign work that you may not otherwise experience. If you can afford it, there’s also formal Gap Year programs, that cost money. Some people enjoy those.

Thanks for the tips! I do have a job year-round, but I’d definitely consider taking time off.