<p>How long do u guys in college spend on homework daily and where do you go to school?</p>
<p>How long do u guys in college spend on homework daily and where do you go to school?</p>
<p>1-2 hours.</p>
<p>I should work more though... I just can't make myself do it.</p>
<p>Most people here work way way more... prolly around 5+.</p>
<p>I lived in fairfax (off topic but im allowed to its my thread!!) </p>
<p>Any ivy leaguers? or just anyone else?</p>
<p>I'm surely not an "ivy leaguer", so I fall into the "just anyone else" catagory.....ehem</p>
<p>In all honesty it varies week to week, day to day for me. Some weeks I spent 4-5 hours a night on homework. Most weeks it's 1-3 hours depending on what kind of reading or essays/papers I have due the next day..</p>
<p>do u go to UVA?</p>
<p>No I do not. I go to Lynchburg College. There are more schools in VA than just UVA, VT, ODU, and UofRich!! :-D</p>
<p>I go to Cornell University.</p>
<p>Currently, I'm taking organic chemistry, biochem, physics, among others. There's no homework per se. Most of the stuff you do in college is reading and taking notes. I probably spend around 7-8 hours a day studying Monday-Friday.</p>
<p>keep it going ppl</p>
<p>Yea, I'm a 'Just anyone else'er! I spend at least six hours a day on homework Mon-Fri and about eight on weekends. Of course that's interspersed with my Halo 2 breaks!</p>
<p>lol Halo 2...do u play online? Ive been meaning to get that but its expensive to get started and i wouldnt be playing that much....what college do u go to?</p>