<p>If anyone could answer my question i would appreciate it. </p>
<p>On average how much college homework per night would a student receive?</p>
<p>My daughter has been looking at two colleges for business: Salve Regina and Western New England and I am worried that with SRU she will be bogged down.</p>
<p>Do you get different amounts of workload depending on the major you declare?</p>
<p>She is an extremely smart and bright individual, her GPA was 3.5 in HS.</p>
<p>If anyone has comments i again appreciate it!!</p>
<p>I’ve heard some bad things about Salve. You should check out their forum. I have never heard of Western New England.</p>
<p>The normal amount of homework a college student should expect is two hours for every hour in class. So let’s say your daughter was taking fifteen hours of classes, a normal amount. She should then do thirty hours a week of studying, so four or five hours a night.</p>
<p>“Reasonable” load in Brown’s Education Department is not exceeding 3hrs per hour spent in class, so Cardinal’s numbers are about right.</p>