<p>Both collegeboard and princetonreview publish middle 50% score ranges for all the universities. Are those correct, because when I browsed your forums I almost started to cry. </p>
<p>Are cboard and preview way too mellow or not?</p>
<p>For instance, what should I, dutch international (no aid required), get on the SAt or ACT</p>
<p>I think anything over 2000 should get you into a "acceptable" university.You need not have full in everything to show that your a great candidate and your success in life can't really be reflect by your SAT score, their are plenty of successful people out there who never went to college.</p>
<p>Somebody we will look back at this and laugh or at least i hope so because several people have told me that later on in life we'll realize how in-significant doing undergrad is..you need not go to an ivy to get a great job- although going to an ivy definetly helps your chances,</p>
<p>Hope this helps-being an international student, i am in the same boat as you.
<p>Obviously the higher you score the better chance you have. You should consider having at least a 2000+ for a 50% chance and a 2200+ for a ~75% chance.</p>
<p>How insignificant undergrad is ? Are you crazy? Perhaps for those who's only life goal is to make money, but for the most famous and successful people in the world, they all went to HYP, or somewhere else in the top 15. "Success" may be easy to get, but to get to the greatest success in history you must get to a HYP or close level undergrad school</p>
<p>lol root, that over-generalization is absolutely horrible. the greatest success stories in history involved conquering entire continents, converting billions of people to a religion, or discovering ways to harness natural phenomena (ex: electricity). only in the last 30 or so years has going to HYP or another reputable school been at all 'necessary', and only for a few types of jobs. It isn't at all necessary for success in life. It is a great indication that you have worked hard and possess at least some modicum of talent/spark, yes, but students make the school, not the other way around. </p>
<p>And HYP is even harder to get into for grad school if you aren't an undergrad there. The numbers are against getting into an Ivy grad from, say, a state university, although a few gems do go through that path every year.</p>