<p>So my mom and guidance counselor recommended college data for me. I joined a few months ago.</p>
<p>For you all who aren't on it, it has this scale where you put in scores/grades/APscores/whatever and it ranks you as a "reach", "maybe" and "good bet" for whatever college you want the results for.</p>
<p>I was just wondering if any of you are on it, and how relatively accurate it is.</p>
<p>For my safeties/low matches it seems to be right on. But for my top schools [#2 Emory and #1 Vanderbilt], I have no idea how relatively accurate it is. If I look at the admits/waitlists/denies from previous years for my top 2 choices, I'm in the middle of the admits for Emory and middle-loweredge for Vanderbilt. But for Vanderbilt it says I'm a "good bet" and for Emory, I'm on the border between maybe and good bet, which doesn't make a lot of sense.</p>
<p>*I use relatively accurate because this site can't factor in ECs and for other people who don't use the site. But with 200+ students compared for each top college, one would think it would be somewhat, or "relatively" accurate.</p>
<p>Probably because the “previous years” are not representative of what has been happening this or last year…If you are using CC as the admits/waitlists/denies, it is not an accurate sample of those who have applied in many ways…</p>
<p>For your top two schools, its extremely difficult to use stats to assess chances…both schools are aggressively trying to mold their classes, especially for RD…what does that mean for you? If your demographic/geographic profile is over-represented in ED at Vanderbilt/Emory, your chances at RD are more tenuous than if above is underrepresented…there is no way you can assess this without having an inside scoop to the ED accepted pool in terms of those demographics…</p>
<p>FWIW, college data got my daughter’s acceptance/waitlist/denies last year COMPLETELY wrong based on her stats…she was accepted at schools that collegedata said deny, she was waitlisted at schools that it said good bet…</p>
<p>Aren’t all chancing websites moot because of the sheer amount of variables in the admissions process?
The only uniform certainty in college admissions is the SAT, and admissions officers recently have been going to a more holistic and less formulaic approach. I mean, there is no way to know how much an EC, LOR, or an essay may affect your chances, not to mention that not even GPA and course rigor tell the whole story because of the whole grade inflation/deflation and courses taken/courses offered thing.</p>
<p>definitely agree with Catria. All CC’ers can do is try our best to give opinions and all the applicants can do is hope they’re right (or wrong if someone is saying you have a bad chance) ;)</p>
<p>I wonder how may people actually go back and put in their results. That might help a little bit. I don’t take the chance threads very seriously, but they can be interesting.</p>
<p>I must have chanced upwards of 700 students by now, and I only got 5 of them with results (acceptances when I gave them either a safety or low match).</p>
<p>With EA/ED1 season around the corner, I expect more results to come in the coming months but here’s my track record as a chancer, given the results I had:</p>