College's ability to see your Facebook profile.

<p>Do admissions people have the ability to look at your facebook profile?
Lets say that someone has pictures, comments, etc. on their profile that college admissions would not like to see. should they take them off, or is there no chance of it being seen by admissions?</p>

<p>I think that if there is something you think could be misinterpreted or negatively taken, the best course of action is not to put it on your Facebook profile in the first place.</p>

<p>i do not have anything that could be misinterpreted or negatively taken by any regular person, but possibly by college admissions people. such as… pictures of me drinking beer, or comments on other people’s pictures involving swear words… stuff like that</p>

<p>Use your discretion. It’s better to be safe than sorry.</p>

<p>It’s unwise to put anything on your facebook that could hurt you. This includes pictures of you drinking while underage. Probably most adults who are in positions such as being admissions officers don’t look favorably on minors breaking the law, including by drinking underage.</p>

<p>Also, regardless of how private people think facebook is, anything you put on it could come back to haunt you years later. There always are ways that people can access “private” unline sites. If there aren’t those ways now, those ways will exist in the future.</p>

<p>They do not have any rights officially. And no one, even FB officially doesn’t, unless you permit it in your privacy settings; it’s illegal. Second thing is that they do not have time to check every profile, max I heard was the fact that my friend AFTER ADMISSION got a msg from dean, asking to change his profile pic with a flipper, because it ‘hurt’ uni’s prestige. That was it, he simply changed privacy settings, so no one besides his friends saw it :slight_smile: And again, even if they had time, I am sure they wouldn’t break the law. Unless you are some super special case, I can’t even imagine.</p>

<p>It’s important to remember that everyone whom you think is your friend is not.</p>

<p>Your friends can show your facebook pages to others. I’ve seen the facebooks of people whom I wasn’t friends with.</p>

<p>And it’s never a good idea to write down something – anywhere – that you wish to keep a secret.</p>

<p>People break the law all of the time. If it’s illegal for FB employees to look at people’s private entries, that is no guarantee that those entries truly are private.</p>

<p>Bottom line: Don’t put anything on FB that you wouldn’t want the world to see.</p>

<p>It’s not, but it just shows that it’s highly unlikely to brake this law just because admission officers randomly check your profiles. I mean, they even rarely check much more important stuff like volunteering hours or activities (besides random checks). And you can limit your profile, pics e.t.c. so friends ONLY can see them. And do not accept any random friendies… Or accept, but let them see only your limited profile (there is such an option).</p>

<p>This comes up regularly. In the end you have no guarantee your stuff will not be available to everyone. If you put it up, you need to expect it can be seen and make your decisions from there. You may want to search other threads on this issue.</p>

<p>don’t worry about it. Try googling your name and see if anything comes up.</p>

<p>^ Yes, do it in quotation marks like “John Doe”. It’s more accurate that way.</p>