Colleges accepting SATII/AP in lieu of SATI/ACT

<p>Several colleges will accept two or three subject tests in lieu of either the SAT I or ACT. I also became aware recently that NYU will accept 3 AP exam scores in lieu of the SAT I, ACT or SAT II Subject Tests. These include the following schools: </p>

<p>Connecticut College -- Any 2 Subject Tests (or no tests at all)</p>

<p>Middlebury College -- 3 Subject Tests in different areas of study</p>

<p>NYU -- 3 Subject Tests (1 literature/humanities, 1 math/science), 1 non-language of student's choice) OR 3 AP exam scores (1 literature/humanities, 1 math/science, 1 non-language of student's choice)</p>

<p>Trinity College (CT) -- Any 2 Subject Tests</p>

<p>Are there other colleges and universities that allow a prospect to submit AP scores or Subject Tests instead of the traditional standardized tests?</p>