So I’ve looked around at college applications, and so far none of the applications I have seen have asked for transcripts. They only ask for your senior year schedule? What if that kind of screws me over? Because I have completed all the AP classes offered at my school including AP Calc BC Junior year and before, and I have taken online AP classes for the ones my school hasn’t offered. And this next year, my school isn’t letting me take anymore online AP’s, so I am forced to take classes like Art and Woodshop because I have finished everything else at the school. This will drastically hurt my application won’t it? Especially when colleges see I ‘slacked’ off my senior year, but they won’t see that it is only because I have completed nearly all AP curriculum before Senior year because they don’t ask for transcripts! What do I do? Also, they ask for weighted GPA, but they don’t even ask how your GPA was calculated, how can they compare students that way? Many schools calculate weighted GPA by adding 0.1 to your 4.0 for every AP class you take and .05 for honors classes (in which case mine would be quite a bit over 5.0), but my school averages credits. SO if you have all A’s, an A in a regular class is 4.0 and in an AP class it is 5.0, therefore in this hypothetical situation: if you’ve taken 10 AP classes and 10 regular classes, this would be a 5.0 on the first scale mentioned, but at my school it is a 4.5. How do the colleges compare kids objectively when different scales exist and aren’t even asked for on the applications?
Please enlighten me
Is there a part of applications that I am not seeing that do ask for transcripts? Do the ivies ask for transcripts?
Lol. Your guidance counselor sends your transcript to every school you apply to, and a school profile that explains how your GPA is weighted.
@jackrabbit14 Thank you so much for answering! Considering that both my school and my guidance counselors haven’t even notified the upcoming senior class (my class) that we need to take the SAT or ACT to get into college yet, I am not surprised I did not know this. (Seriously, if you asked 3/4ths of my school what the SAT was they would have no clue).
Looks from your other post at that you are a resident of California. If the colleges you are looking at are the state universities (UCs and CSUs), they want you to self-report your courses and grades on the application. If you are admitted and decide to attend one of them, you then send your final high school transcript to verify your previously self-reported courses and grades, and verify that you completed your previously self-reported in-progress courses with high enough grades specified by the university.
For other universities, look at their admission web sites to see what they want with respect to transcripts.
Perhaps looking at the applications is the wrong place to look. The application is only part of your required materials to apply.
Look at the admissions page of any schools you are interested in. There should be “Required Materials” (or something along those lines) which will tell you exactly what is needed to apply: application, test scores (and what type), number of recommendations (and from whom), transcripts, interviews, etc. I’m sure all of them will list transcripts!