Colleges in England for Musical Theatre

<p>I want to attend university in England for musical theatre. I don't have my SAT's but I assume I could take them in a big city if needed (although I am dreading that). I am too late to apply anywhere for 2010 I assume but I will shoot for 2011 if I can!! I understand I need a BTEC National Diploma to apply for Bachelor's degree courses in Musical Theatre at any university, as this is what I am eligible for (level 3 courses). What colleges do you all know of ??? I'm thinking BTEC in Musical Theatre near London (performing arts is okay too I guess). Also if anyone knows of a workshop or program I could do meanwhile that would be ideal since I won't be doing anything til I apply next year!</p>

<p>Also I am thinking of just taking my foundation courses (that any freshman would require) at a community college in the area meanwhile and then transferring as I will be doing nothing for a year. Would my chances be okay if I transferred?? Help!!</p>

<p>You might want to check out Trinity College of Music. There web site is Trinity College of Music - Home</p>