Colleges Named After Bad Actors - and what actions can or should people take?

That’s a splendid idea.

I’ll further add that I’m giving a little bit of off-topic leeway on this thread, with the exception that any OT post that solely concerns W&L needs to go into the other thread per my earlier post:

Users who specifically want to express their PoV on Washington & Lee to the exclusion of other cilleged may be better served on this thread:

Washington & Lee University: Expectations vs Reality

To that end, posts that say, “W&L should change the name and now I’m going to write several paragraphs about W&L that are off-topic to this thread in the hopes that the moderator won’t notice” will be considered OT. Another moderator may move such posts to the other thread (or may not), but fair warning that I’ll delete. Thank you for your cooperation.