Colleges Named After Bad Actors - and what actions can or should people take?

Interesting his wife became Governor when he was term limited, early in his career. Kind of like Putin was term limited and installed a deputy as caretaker til he could get back.

I only learned a few weeks ago when the hotel I stayed at in Tuscaloosa was on Lurleen Wallace Blvd. and I looked her up. It was during George’s racist time.

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I expect SC has several things named after Strom Thurmond. Also quite popular with voters for some reason, although he did not receive majority of the black vote in his last election.

You mean stuff like this?

Actually, I was referring to the recreation center at USC which I believe is currently named after him and which is expected to be renamed shortly.
I do not think Clemson has similar plans at the moment, though they have a S. Thurmond institute.

Referencing my earlier post:

Since that time, another moderator has closed the W&L thread. What that means is that this thread will not become the repository for W&L debate. Such posts will be dealt with in accordance with Terms of Service.



If the Washington Football Team won’t use it, GWU should jump on it!

Revere rebelled against his government, I believe, like Washington.

Revere’s supposed role in the “midnight ride” is exaggerated, and he screwed up mightily on the Penobscot Expedition during the American Revolution, but this was nothing compared to Amherst’s designs for killing Native Americans or Lee’s acts of treason, or even Wilson’s virulent racism, so I’m really not sure why naming something after Revere would be a problem.


We can blame Longfellow for that! :grinning:


For anyone who is interested, the move to rename Paul Revere elementary school in San Francisco was based on misinformation. The school board mistakenly believed that the Penabscot Expedition was an assault on the Penabscot tribe. It wasn’t - it was a failed naval expedition led by Revere during the American Revolution and took place on Penabscot Bay in Maine. No one on the San Francisco school board took the time to fact check or consult historians. They also voted to rename schools named after George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Louis Stevenson and Diane Feinstein among others. I linked an article from the Atlantic that details what happened in San Francisco and the slippery slope we are on.



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This came up in my feed today, I thought those on this thread would find it relevant, interesting, hopeful

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Thanks so much for posting that article. Really hopeful. I especially liked this quote:

“The past doesn’t need to be an anchor. It should be a buoy. And that’s how the circle sees this,” Glisson says. “The past is a navigational tool to point us into a better way to be.”


The group is pushing to change the official designation of Arlington House to drop Robert E. Lee’s name and make it a national historic site that embraces the full history here. It will take an act of Congress.

Lee’s direct descendants support the name change.

“I don’t feel like we’re taking the name away,” says Rob Lee. "I think when you call it the Arlington House, you’re just opening it up to more of the families who lived there, honestly. And I think it’s just more appropriate.”

More appropriate, indeed. When Lee’s own direct descendants make the case for removing his name this simple and straightforward, it makes W&L’s digging in appear even more perverse and peculiar.


Of course, in the period after the Civil War (so no more slavery to stain historical legacies), there were “robber barons” like Andrew Carnegie, Andrew and Richard Mellon, Leland Stanford, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and James Buchanan Duke.

Good point on the businessmen. We toured Vanderbilt and the tour guide basically acknowledged that Vanderbilt was not a good person but they were glad he left money to start the university. Princeton renamed the Woodrow Wilson school for his “racist actions” (their words). As others have said, it may be easier to change the name of a school or library than the college or university.


City and Uni are next???

I think all schools should be named PS 623 or PS 81. No need to honor any people. Or name them after colors, or animals or Greek Gods. Anyone can be found to have a blemish and then the school has to be renamed, all the signs changed, and it just isn’t worth it.

We have schools named after the streets they are on, but yes, those streets were named after people. Hmm, should we change the name of Grant Elementary because it was named because it was on Grant Street? How about Sherman School, named after Sherman (there are about 5 streets named after generals in one area).

We have a lot of mountains being renamed either because they were named after ‘bad guys’ like John Evans (don’t know what Evanston IL is planning to do) or people think they are insulting to Native Americans (Squaw Pass, Indian Peak) but honestly, the names they are picking as replacements are so long and hard to remember that people will continue to call it Mt Evans.

I had to look up what they are proposing to rename Mt Evans. Says they are going to rename it Mt Blue Sky. That doesn’t see too long or hard to remember.


In my opinion…these places should not be named after people. Actually naming places after people is an issue for other things too…and not because it’s a bad actor name.

Think about the Tappan Zee bridge…which was named that because if the Dutch settlers there. It’s now the Cuomo Bridge…and cuomo did not want the bridge named after him.

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