Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars

<p>Is Lehigh close enough?</p>

<p>Northeastern University no longer offers full tuition, but does award $30k automatically if you are admitted and are a National Hispanic Scholar (not honorable mention)</p>

<p>My D received a letter today from U of New Mexico congratulating her on National Hispanic Scholar and saying she is eligible for Amigo Scholarship which waives out-of -state tuition and gives a $200 stipend</p>

<p>Hi guys, son is an NHRP Scholar from last year, attending the college of engineering at TX A&M, College Station. As some of you already know, he was a NMSF but did not make NMF, so did not qualify for the NMF package.</p>

<p>I just wanted to say that in our experience A&M University under-promises and over delivers. When son was initially admitted he was offered the nominal NHRP package. However, by the time he enrolled the merit package increased substantially and covers more than full-tuition at this point. This happened without any negotiating or bringing any counter offers from other colleges etc. Basically son went into the scholarship office to find out the details of his package and they increased his scholarship. Then a few weeks later sent him an email and increased it again. </p>

<p>I mention this because if you are an NHRP Scholar, looking to attend a top 20 US News & WR engineering school who needs good merit scholarships then don’t be shy to apply here. They don’t guarantee it but they apparently offer substantially more than they say. Once again I cannot say if being nmsf played a role, but son was definitely not nmf and got an incredible scholarship package. I hope this helps</p>

<p>Thanks for the information. My dd is more of a liberal arts person, unlike her brother who is an AE major, and is looking for a Liberal Art school in the west that offers NHRP Scholars tuition. We know of a few, (Westminster, U of Arizona) but need to look for more.</p>

<p>I just checked Westminster. NMFS and National Achievement scholars get the full tuition, however for NHRP Scholar recipients only 1 full tuition scholarship is offered.</p>

<p>Interesting because I just got a letter from Oklahoma University for a $40,000 scholarship for NHRP.</p>

<p>Wait, does Lehigh offer money for NHRP scholars? </p>

<p>Okieflyover, OU or OSU?</p>

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I am a 2013-2014 NHRP scholar who is particularly interested in northeastern. I emailed them but have not gotten a response. Is the 30k automatic if I get in? Is it renewable each year? And is there no additional application? Any information at all would be helpful thanks!</p>

<p>collegeboyyy, Call them, they will call you back within 24 hours and explain it. Last year it was full tuition, so they confirmed we could expect full tuition, but they do not say it in writing. Son ultimately decided to stay in-state and not apply to northeastern.</p>

<p>I emailed Northeastern to ask if the scholarship was competitive or guaranteed. This is the response I got:</p>

<p>The Northeastern National Hispanic Scholarship is for NHRP Scholars, not NHRP Honorable Mention recipients.</p>

<p>Students, who are admitted to Northeastern University, are recognized with the National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar AND a U.S. citizen or documented permanent resident will receive a $30,000 merit based award -Northeastern National Hispanic Scholarship- and may also be eligible for additional Northeastern merit scholarships.</p>

<p>Arizona State University sent my DD a scholarship offer plus in a new development they included a “plane ticket voucher” to visit the campus at ASU’s expense. Letter came from Honors College but specifically referenced NHRP.</p>

<p>DD got the same thing here today!</p>

<p>My D is interested in this school as well. I recently found this same information on the Northeastern U website. Too bad this school is 10+ hours away by plane from home.</p>

<p>^You must live in AK or HI, is anywhere in the continental US is 10+ hours by plane from Boston :confused:?</p>

<p>From Hawaii.</p>

<p>Welcome, I don’t think we’ve ever had someone from so far away! [just realized that I should have known from your member name :o].</p>

<p>I’m on the West coast and D1 has just returned after 4 yrs of UG and 2 yrs of working on the East coast, so I understand where you’re coming from. </p>

<p>Don’t forget about the WUE schools, they might be some good options with reduced OOS tuition.</p>

<p>I wanted to thank everyone who has posted on this subject because I only learned of the NHRP 2 days ago. Right now I am in the midst of getting the counselor to request the verification/nomination letter so they can send my D’s GPA, etc. I think my D forgot to select her ethnicity on the app so she is not on the list currently. This is all new to me so I’m tryng to catch up and get as much information as I can. </p>

<p>I hope she receives the NHS certificate before the deadline and can benefit from what it offers. This site is a wealth of information and provides more than I’ve seen when simply Goog-ling. It sounds like one of the important things to do is to call the University’s Financial Aid/Admissions/Scholarship office to inquire because it may not be on their website. </p>

<p>Thanks everyone!!!</p>

<p>Don’t forget, if you know that she qualifies (gpa & PSAT), then she can put down the NHS designation on her college applications right now. Many things are projected, you just send an update if they don’t happen.</p>

Does that offer for NHRP students still apply for the upcoming year?</p>

<p>“Students, who are admitted to Northeastern University, are recognized with the National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar AND a U.S. citizen or documented permanent resident will receive a $30,000 merit based award -Northeastern National Hispanic Scholarship-”</p>