Colleges offering scholarships to National Hispanic Scholars

<p>How can I get a full ride to Arizona State University?</p>

<p>^What year in HS are you? If you are a current sr, you need to currently have NHRP status to qualify for a scholarship; if you are a jr, see below.</p>

<p>Read post #145 of this thread and see the links to the ASU scholarhip; be aware that the scholarship is for full tuition, not a full ride which generally designates full tuition, R&B.</p>

<p>If you need to know how NHRP works, go to the Resources sticky thread and read the first post on the NHRP thread. It gives a link to the NHRP website that explains how to qualify. Regional cutoffs vary a little each year, if you contact NHRP they will tell you the 2012 cutoff for your Region.</p>

<p>p.s. If you are using your real name as your member name, I strongly suggest that you use the Report Problem Post button on your post immediately and request a name change to something that doesn’t give personal information.</p>

<p>Please note that this is only done on rare occasions and only when the member is new. Please carefully review CCs Terms of Service about posting sensitive information.</p>

did you get an answer to your question? Curious too – Is the Fordham tuition offer automatic upon acceptance?</p>

<p>^Give them a call and ask.</p>

<p>Just to let everyone knows, UCF offers 48000 per four years, 6000 per semester to National Hispanic finalist. The scholarship covers 90% of the school expenses, tuition and room and boarding. Quite nice!</p>

<p>We visited the University of Arizona this past Friday and Saturday. The Honor’s College hosted a special event. Our son was able to stay overnight in the honor’s dorm. They also had many discussion panels for both students and their parents. I must tell all of you that they have a wonderful program. Since our son is an out of state student, he would receive a $30,000 per year scholarship for being a National Hispanic Scholar. This is an automatic scholarship. All of you NH Scholars and parents should take a good look at the University of Arizona. They have a great program which truly takes care of our high achieving students :)</p>

<p>LasVegasMom, Arizona State offers a full tuition scholarship plus other perks for National Scholars (NMF, NHS, NAS) too - plus acceptance and living in Barrett Honors College - so you might want to check them out. Right now, it looks like this is where my D will probably end up unless some major scholarship elsewhere comes along within the next few months.</p>

<p>luiseenriquezperez, it is a full TUITION scholarship to ASU if you’re a National Hispanic Scholar (provided you’re accepted of course) - so you (your parents!) will have to still pay room, board, books, etc.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if the Lieber Scholars Award for out of state students at the University of South Carolina is automatic if you’re a National Hispanic Recognized scholar?</p>

<p>Does anyone have an updated list of schools and scholarships for NHS receipients?</p>

<p>If no one posts an updated list, I would suggest that you pick the schools that you’re interested in from those listed earlier in this thread and check their websites to see the current status of their NHRP scholarships. Since the economic downturn, schools have tended to reduced or eliminated their NHRP merit aid, rather than new schools adding programs.</p>

<p>I do not have a comprehensive list to post yet, however these schools offer NHRP scholarships:</p>

<p>Boston University (apply, not all receive)
Northeastern University
Ohio State University</p>

<p>Vanderbilt NO longer offers Merit scholarships for NHRP (verified via email)</p>

<p>I just checked the Ohio State website and could not find anything on the NHRP. Could you please tell me where you found this? Thanks!</p>

<p>I talked with admissions at Oklahoma state university and they stated that legislation for the state of Oklahoma had put a hold on gender or raced based scholarships for now.</p>

<p>Wow that list of links is an extremely comprehensive and valuable post, thank you Lapagan. Can you please advise how you searched for that data? I would like to do a search across colleges in my area but going site to site to hunt for it seems very time consuming, hoping there is a short cut. Thanks again.</p>

<p>Hi! I haven’t done a search for this year but I think that most of the scholarships are still valid.</p>

<p>If you want to do your regional search just do a Google search under National Hispanic Scholar, or minority scholarship, Hispanic scholarship, Hispanic scholarship, and other combinations. I strongly suggest that you go past the first 3 pages as that where I found little known schools with scholarships. Good luck!</p>

<p>I just got this info. Some of you might be interested.</p>

<pre><code>Barnard College

<p>New York, NY
Barnard Bound, October 12; October 14
Apply by September 11
Barnard Bound is a fall pre-open house program designed for students who self-identify as students of color and/or students who could not otherwise afford to visit Barnard. One-half of the student participants last year were from the New York City metro area, and travel scholarships are made available for students from around the country. Barnard College is 100% need-blind admissions and 100% need-based financial aid. It is our goal to help participants learn as much as they can about our vibrant community and realize that a Barnard education is both affordable and attainable. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Bethany Lutheran College

<p>Mankato, MN
Getaway Weekends, October 24-27, 2013; February 6-8, 2014
Bethany Lutheran College invites juniors and seniors to join us for a free weekend filled with fun and excitement. Learn about the Bethany experience by attending a few classes, visiting with faculty, touring the campus, enjoying a variety of on/off campus events, as well as checking out the Mankato area. Best of all, Bethany will cover the entire cost of food, lodging, and events while on campus. (Transportation from selected areas is available). Read more</p>


<pre><code>Brandeis University

<p>Waltham, MA
Students Exploring & Embracing Diversity (SEED), November 16
Apply by October 15
SEED is an opportunity for potential students to connect with current students, the Brandeis Intercultural Center and ethnic identity groups on campus. All meals are provided, and full and partial travel scholarships are available to cover students’ transportation costs to and from Brandeis. Space is limited, students interested in will be notified on a rolling basis about whether or not a space and scholarship is available to them. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Colby College

<p>Waterville, ME
Experience Colby, September 29-October 1; November 3-5
Apply By September 27
Colby values diversity of all kinds and seeks to enroll students who also value diversity. Our FREE overnight campus visit program, Experience Colby, makes it possible for interested high school seniors to come for a visit regardless of financial circumstances. During Experience Colby students get to stay overnight in our residence halls, attend classes and meet professors, tour campus, chat with current students, and try our delicious food. Experience Colby is scheduled for Nov. 3-5, and all students must complete the application by Sept. 27 in order to be considered. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Colorado College

<p>Colorado Springs, CO
Multicultural Open House, September 14-16; November 2-4; November 9-11
Apply By August 26; October 14
Colorado College’s Mulitcultural Open House offers students of color, students who are the first in their family to attend college, and those who are from low income households, the opportunity to learn more about our campus community. Since 80% of our students are from out-of-state, we understand it can be challenging to visit Colorado College. If accepted, CC will provide a grant to cover travel costs for you and a parent to attend. Deadline to Apply for September is August 26th. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Dartmouth College

<p>Hanover, NH
Native American Community, October 13-16
Apply by September 9
The Native American Fly-In Program is an opportunity for some of the most promising and talented students in the country, who have a particular interest in the Native community and/or Native American Studies, to experience Dartmouth. Participants are selected on the basis of academic achievement and scholarship, personal character and accomplishment, potential for future excellence and leadership. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Franklin & Marshall College

<p>Lancaster, PA
Autumn Preview, September 28; November 9
You will have a chance to hear from faculty and students, experience a campus tour and learn about F&M’s unique residential life. The day begins with an opportunity to converse with members of academic departments as well as representatives from other facets of campus life. Beginning at 8:00 am, many of our faculty and professional staff are available to answer specific questions and engage in a conversation directly related to your interests. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Grinnell College

<p>Grinnell, IA
Grinnell Diversity Preview Program (GDPP), October 6-8
Apply by September 6
Before students apply to Grinnell, the college offers a fall fly-in opportunity through the Grinnell Diversity Preview Program. Through GDPP, selected students of color and/or first-generation college students are provided a fully-funded opportunity to experience life as “Grinnellians.” Grinnell also invites select students of color and first-generation college students to fly-in, free of charge, to our April Admitted Student Programs. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Lafayette College

<p>Easton, PA
Our Beloved Community, November 16
Apply By October 15
Lafayette College invites you to apply for the 2nd Annual Our Beloved Community (OBC) Symposium on Saturday, November 16th, 2013. Our Beloved Community is named for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a society that embraces each of its members, not merely putting aside but rather understanding and celebrating their differences. This “mini-conference” will engage both prospective & current Lafayette students in powerful, enlightening, and, at times, challenging discussions on all forms of diversity and citizenship. We seek a limited number of students nationwide to join us in this celebratory. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Manhattan College

<p>New York, NY
Open House and Information Sessions, September-December
Get to know Manhattan College at Open House where students and their families will have the opportunity to hear from the College president, speak to faculty members and take a campus tour. Open House begins promptly at noon on Sunday, Oct. 27. Weekend Information Sessions: Saturdays on September 14, 21, 28, October 5, 19, November 2, 9, 16, 23, and December 7 at 11 am. Columbus Day Information Session: Monday, October 14 at 10 am, 12 pm, or 2 pm. Veterans Day Information Session: Monday, November 11 at 10 am, 12 pm, or 2 pm; Regular campus tours are offered Monday-Friday from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Occidental College

<p>Los Angeles, CA
Multicultural Visit Program, October 20-22
The Multicultural Visit Program (MVP) is a two-day visit to campus for high school seniors from underrepresented backgrounds. MVP is designed for underrepresented students to meet other prospective applicants and current Oxy students and professors while gaining an understanding of Oxy’s campus and its relationship to Los Angeles. Students stay overnight in a residence hall, participate in classes, interact with current students and professors, attend information sessions on admission and financial aid and interview with an admission office. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Pomona College

<p>Claremont, CA
Fall Weekend Fly-in, October 11-14; November 8-11
Apply By September 12; October 2
The Pomona College Office of Admissions will be hosting two Fall Weekend Fly-In programs for students from historically underrepresented cultural groups, low-income and first generation college students. Prospective students will have the opportunity to experience life in a residence hall, eat in our dining halls, attend classes, and talk with current students and faculty. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Smith College

<p>Northampton, MA
Women of Distinction, November 8-10
The Women of Distinction program for high school seniors highlights the opportunities at Smith for African American, Asian American, Latina and Native American students. Participants in the three-day program live in campus houses, experience academic life and attend panels and workshops on student life and the college admission process. There is a required application, and students are chosen on the basis of academic and personal qualities. All expenses are covered by Smith. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Swarthmore College

<p>Swarthmore, PA
Fall Visitation, September 28-30
Swarthmore College invites applications to its all-expense-paid fall visit program, taking place September 28-30. Swarthmore is a small, selective liberal arts college just outside of Philadelphia. It is one of the few colleges still offering no-loan financial aid packages, and ranks in the top 4 US colleges/universities whose students go on to earn Ph.D.s. Application Deadline: August 22. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Texas State University

<p>San Marcos, TX
Bobcat Days, October 12; November 16; February 15, 2014; April 5, 2014
Texas State holds Bobcat Days four times a year to bring prospective students to campus and allow them to visit and explore the academic and cultural environment of Texas State University. During the tour students can speak with faculty and staff about majors and coursework, speak with students from a student panel about campus life, take a campus tour and dine at the university’s student food court. Representatives from Multicultural Student Affairs also are available to visit with first-generation students. Read more</p>


<pre><code>Tufts University

<p>Medford, MA
Voices of Tufts, October 24-25
Apply by October 15
Through the Voices of Tufts program, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions invites traditionally underrepresented students to visit the Tufts campus for a two-day, fly-in program each fall that provides a multicultural perspective on attending the university. Bus transportation is provided from New York City, and students traveling from elsewhere can apply for a travel grant. Read more</p>

<p>^Thanks! I’m going to give a link to your post on the 2018 Diversity Fly-in thread.</p>

<p>I received this info in an email but Nebraska on their online scholarship estimator had a box you check if you are a National Hispanic Scholar. Here is the link to determine a merit award.[Out-of-State</a> Scholarship Estimator | Undergraduate Office of Admissions | University of Nebraska?Lincoln](<a href=“]Out-of-State”> It looks like a student will receive a scholarship over $21K a year which leaves a cost of $9K a year. Not a bad offer from a public school. </p>

<p>I haven’t had a chance to update my research from a few years ago but I will once my schedule clears.</p>

<p>I’ve been researching schools that offer scholarships to NHRP scholars on here and Google. Unfortunately I have yet to find one that interests my son. He wants to go to a large school that is within about a 3 hours of Maryland by car. Is anyone aware of a school that would meet that criteria? Thanks in advance!</p>