Colleges requiring (or not) Covid vaccine for fall 2021 megathread

Added Gettysburg based upon:


Add Washington and Lee:


MODERATOR’S NOTE: This is an informational thread. Please refrain from commentary.


Actually Both SUNY and CUNY sent out notices that students would not be allowed for in person instruction on the same day the governor made the announcement.

The Chancellor’s of CUNY and SUNY met with the NYCDOE UFT/CSA college advising teams the night before it was announced on the news.

The Governor has also encouraged that All other NYS colleges require vaccines.

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Added Rhodes College, which plans to require COVID-19 vaccination when a vaccine has full FDA approval. Before then, students who are not vaccinated will be subject to additional testing (with a $1,500 fee per semester to cover the costs of testing), social distancing requirements, and indoor mask requirements.


Move Pitzer College from the other statements section to the will require vaccination section, since it has announced that it will require vaccination.


ASU students who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and uploaded their vaccine records to the ASU Health Portal will not be required to wear face coverings on campus or submit daily health checks. Students who don’t provide their vaccine records will be required to wear masks indoors and outdoors on campus, complete COVID-19 tests twice weekly and complete daily health checks. Gov. Ducey objects to this new policy, saying “I’ll be issuing an executive order that will ensure this excessive policy is never enforced, and asking the Legislature to codify the order into law.”

Both Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna are seeking FDA approval now. With over 1 billion dosages taken already, FDA will likely fast track the approvals. My guess is by the end of July.


UC System Update, from SF Chronicle 6/15/21

"In an about-face, the University of California will require all students, staff and faculty to be vaccinated against the coronavirus this fall, even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the vaccines only for emergency use.

UC President Michael Drake “does plan to move forward with the vaccine mandate,” Regent Eloy Oritz Oakley told The Chronicle on Monday.

The decision [reverses a proposed policy UC announced in April of requiring vaccinations only after the FDA fully approved at least one of the three vaccines now being administered to American under emergency authorization. "


Virginia Tech is now requiring it


Hope College(a private Christian School) will NOT require Covid-19 vaccine. They acknowledge that some students will not get it for “personal reasons”. They have done wastewater testing and other measures.

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Did not find anything on Hope College’s web site saying definitively that COVID-19 vaccine will not be required, although it also does not say that it is or will be required.

As of now, it is not required at Hope College, but people who are not vaccinated are subject to additional masking and distancing requirements that vaccinated people are exempt from: COVID-19 Guidelines & Protocols | Health Center

Elon is requiring them.

1 Like says that “All members of the campus community are strongly encouraged to receive the vaccine unless they have a medical reason or religious exemption that prevent them from receiving it.” It does not say “required”.

We got an email from Elon today stating all undergraduate and graduate students are required to have the vaccine unless they have a medical or religious waiver.

University of Minnesota will NOT require the vaccine. They have found that a sufficient number are already vaccinated and expect that will be the case generally when they open this fall.

On the other hand, UChicago WILL require that all students be vaccinated.


This thread is INFORMATIONAL ONLY, as stated clearly at the top of the page. Posts that are not informational will be deleted. Posts with any kind of commentary on vaccines being necessary or not will be edited or deleted, as I have just done with some. Thank you for your cooperation.


@NatInTheHatt @ucbalumnus The email from Hope College that our family received said:

In April, President Scogin shared our ambition for 2021-22: to have a normal academic year at Hope College. We are as committed as ever to that goal! This means that we aim to be together as a campus community, fully in person — in classrooms, labs, studios, residence halls, dining halls, Chapel, performance spaces, athletic venues and more.

With the growing evidence of the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, we are asking every member of the Hope community — students, staff and faculty — to be fully vaccinated by the time they arrive on campus for the fall semester. (As a reminder, you are “fully vaccinated” two weeks after the second dose in a two-dose series or the first dose in a single-dose vaccine.) This will allow us all to engage in the broadest possible scope of the Hope experience.

Michigan, along with the rest of the country, has seen an increase in the availability of vaccines, an increase in vaccination rates, and a decrease in COVID cases. Currently, 60% of Michigan’s population age 16 and older has received at least the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

We have COVID-19 vaccination records for many students already. Over the summer, we will be reaching out to students whose records are not yet on file, and providing instruction on how to submit your vaccine information. We understand that some students may not get vaccinated for personal reasons, such as health conditions that could interact with the vaccine.

I don’t think that Hope College’s policy is really all that different from ASU’s or other schools taking the “requested but not absolutely required” approach. It looks to me like non-vaccinated students will be asked to wear masks when in school buildings. Given that the email said that they will reach out to students over the summer to ask for their vaccination info, it is implied but not stated that they will have some procedure for getting an exemption as they do for other immunizations.

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Scripps College in Claremont CA and Tufts University in Medford MA should be added to the list of colleges requiring the vaccine of all students for Fall 2021.