Colleges that LOVE the IB?

<p>I was just wondering if anyone knew of any colleges that particularly like the IB.<br>

<p>Well I called a few: Cornell, Northeastern, Lehigh, and Maryland- College Park. They all told me that they look at AP and IB equally. I spoke to the Dean of Admissions at Cornell and she told me that they are both fine, as long as the GC checks off " most rigorous." SUNY Binghamton accepts IB diploma students from our school as sophomores ( with adequate test scores).</p>

<p>I should have been more specific in my question. I’m more interested in LAC, do you know of any that really like the IB? (I’ll check out Lehigh)</p>

<p>No- you should call the schools. I suspect that most ( if not all) value AP and IB equally.</p>

<p>There is an older (I think it is about six years old) spreadsheet showing admit rates for IB Diploma students versus the general pool, and at some schools, like University of Florida, it is a massive difference -other schools, not so much.
I can’t imagine it has changed much. I will look for it now.</p>

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; it is. The numbers are obviously very different, but I think you can get an idea for which schools weight IB more fairly easily.</p>

<p>Thanks for the post!</p>