colleges that send you free tshirts, etc. along w/ accept letter?

<p>Just wondering. </p>

<p>I've heard NYU sending a purple folder, some colleges sending free t shirts, a certificate, etc.</p>

<p>anyone know which colleges send what, along with their letter of acceptance?</p>

<p>I heard Yale sends t-shirts to people accepted ED.</p>

<p>Cornell also sends shirts for people accepted.</p>

<p>UMD College Park sends a magnet</p>

<p>Winona State University sends a bumper sticker. Three times.</p>

<p>MIT sends new year’s cards, a poster, a gift certificate to the store where one would buy shirts, and valentines day cards.</p>

<p>UChicago sends a holidays card and a scarf.</p>

<p>Georgetown sends Christmas cards.</p>

<p>Northwestern sends luggage tags.</p>

<p>OSU sends laundry bags.</p>

<p>UChicago gave us EA’ers a calender, a scarf, and various books and stuff.
Daemen college gave us accepted students a shirt.
Canisius college has all sorts of dinners and events for students who are accepted, as does Medaille College.
The College of Wooster gave me a handwritten note commenting on a witty line in my common app essay, which I thought was pretty cool.</p>



<p>I can vouch for that. My friend who was a senior last year showed up to school (having made his college choice) wearing his shirt. </p>

<p>It says on the front: YALE*
And on the back: *class of 2013</p>

<p>Edit: Do we count overnight stay gifts or just stuff that came with acceptance letters? I’ve got two folders<em>, a scribbled note from the Dean of Admissions</em>, a stuffed camel, a lanyard, a bumpersticker<em>, a drawstring bag, a subscription to the college magazine free</em>, a leather wallet, and a resuable water bottle from Connecticut College. The only thing I bought myself was a shirt. </p>

<p>*are acceptance only stuff. The rest was from visiting and the bottle was from the interview.</p>

<p>New College sent me a box filled with an acceptance letter, a cd, a t-shirt, and lots of confetti.</p>

<p>dayum, they should all do this. it’s the least we deserve for busting our asses -_-</p>

<p>Indiana University - red and white scarf</p>

<p>Birmingham Southern College sends a certificate</p>

<p>upenn gives a free shirt, bag and coupons for clothing discounts.</p>

<p>oh and georgetown nhs sends water bottles to its admits</p>

<p>Florida Institute of Technology sent Bumper sticker with acceptance</p>

<p>University of Miami Sent “Proud Parent” Bumper sticker with acceptance and then send Class of 2012 later on. </p>

<p>Case Western Reserve University asked for Tshirt size then sent T-shirt to admitted students. Then for Admitted students days gave small back pack with tshirt and Case lanyards. </p>

<p>William Jewell College gave free tshirt when we visited (accepted student)</p>

<p>Vandy gave free tshirt (prospective student)
Western Michigan University (Engineering Dept) gave free tshirt (prospective student)
Calvin College gave free tshirt (not sure why dd got one as it was not given to everyone) as prospective student.</p>

<p>Wash U was the stingiest (no tshirt or even dinning voucher for parent)</p>

<p>bumppppppp :)</p>

<p>D applied EA to U Chicago. She got a t-shirt around the time she sent her SAT scores (October?), and a scarf in January (today, in fact). Cozy, soft, maroon, and with U of Chicago printed on it in not-to-big letters. “College bling,” she said when she saw it.</p>

<p>Do only selective schools send out free shirts? If we want hoodies, do we order them online bookstore?</p>

<p>I heard st. bonaventure sends a free shirt.</p>

<p>Pitt sent a t-shirt. Once you enroll, the cheap and free t-shirts continue. When my daughter graduated from high school, I made her a t-shirt quilt. She gave me her stack of Pitt shirts over Christmas to make another quilt for when she graduates in the spring.</p>

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