Colleges viewing extracurricular activities in the context of covid

Hey! A club at my school is having their first meeting next week and I’m thinking of joining. However, I am a junior and this makes me nervous because I have heard that colleges will think I am just participating to add another activity to my application. I haven’t gotten involved yet because I didn’t know it existed freshman year and then most clubs kind of stopped last year because of COVID. Will colleges take this into consideration or will they most likely lump my new activity into the “application boost” category. For reference, I want to major in environmental science, and the club I want to get involved in is a recycling/community clean up club :))

Thank you so much to anyone who can offer any info!!

You are way overthinking this. If you are interested in the club, join it. Colleges are not going to reject you because you joined a club as a junior.


If college wasn’t looming, would you join the club? If yes, go for it. If not, don’t. Do what you love.


Is this the same club you asked about here? If so, you received some very good advice in that thread.

It looks that you have participated in several activities throughout high school, (Operation Smile (leadership position), MUN, recycling club, CHKD circle group (leadership position), working, swimming x 4 yrs, lacrosse x4 yrs, volleyball x 3 yrs, as well as honor societies). If you had no activities through high school it might be different but, with a list like that, no school is going to scrutinize the fact that you added another activity junior year.

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