Colleges which weigh honors classes out of 4.0

Does anyone know of a college that weighs honors classes’ GPAs the same as AP and IB classes’? I remember seeing one but I can’t remember its name.

Regardless of how a school may recalculate GPA, the adcoms are still very much looking at course rigor.


I think gaming the system is suboptimal. You should just take the most rigorous classes you can and it will work out.

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There are schools that only look at unweighted GPA - yes.

But to others’ points, it’s the rigor that matters.

But one that bases merit scholarship on unweighted - so rigor doesn’t matter for this purpose - is U of Arizona.

It may matter for other purposes - such as walking in with credits or class placements - but if you have a 4.0 and never took an AP, you’ll get the same $32K merit as the kids that did take the AP.

And if they had a 3.98 because they got a B in an AP class, you’d get more money then them - because they’d qualify for the 3.9-3.99 level.

So that’s one school and there may be more.

I’m not trying to game the system or anything, I’m already in college, I’m just trying to convince someone that they do exist

The UCs and CA State schools weight “approved” honors courses the same as APs or DE.

Note that the set of courses that UC considers to be honors is often smaller than the set designated by the high school as honors. Also, it is mainly high schools in California that have lists of UC honors courses – out of state high schools do not have such lists, except maybe a few distance programs.

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