<p>This might have been done before, but I can't find any thread related to this and it'll be fun.</p>
<p>So which colleges have the best guys and/or girls and why?</p>
<p>This might have been done before, but I can't find any thread related to this and it'll be fun.</p>
<p>So which colleges have the best guys and/or girls and why?</p>
<p>UofA! I might wanna go for grad school. my Gawd the women I heard are amazing. Then again there’s UNCH…super hot babes. Or ASU. Followed by Michigan, Penn State, Ohio, ad infinitum.</p>
<p>Michigan? I hear that the state has the ugliest girls.</p>
<p>No way. what do you have on your list? UCI?</p>
<p>I have heard that Vanderbilt is notable for this. I have no idea why though :)</p>
<p>new york city schools. less cheesy than the west coast, less pretentious than the ivys</p>
<p>Confucius Recommends: Texas College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Smart Girls = $$ + Back Rubs</p>
<p>MIT!!! by far.</p>
<p>also, caltech…the guys there are real sweeties <3</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m kind of worried about the situation because Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, and JHU are some of my top choices, and they aren’t exactly known to be great in that department.</p>
<p>Define “best.”</p>
<p>^ it’s subjective, which is why it would help if the people who answer also put their reasoning for why they think the guys/girls from a certain school are the best</p>
<p>University of MIAMI</p>