Colleges your child crossed off the list after visiting, schools that moved up on the list. Why?

Recent official tours:

Princeton: Stayed the same. We had walked through campus on a self-tour last summer and it was high enough after that (And Engineering info session) to warrant a real tour. The tour guide was excellent: lots of focus on the ability to do research as well as the deep intellectual vibe of the school, making D realize it is definitely a fit. The town is smaller than her ideal college experience, but that is not a major factor for her. The school remains solidly in the top group. Buildings were not open, which is clearly stated on the website, but we figured at this point they will never open in time to see it so we decided to go. Glad we did!

Yale: first visit ever to New Haven or campus. Moved way UP! She loved campus, the town, the way residential life is structured, the de-emphasis of sports, everything. The tour guide was able to really give a feel of what it is like to be a Yale student: it is clearly a supportive/collaborative and intellectual environment, and she left with a good understanding of how Engineering works there. Even the adult at check-in was one of the most friendly and helpful people we have met on a tour. So , Yale is in the top group now too, after going into the tour considering X-ing it off the list due to too many T10 colleges on the list already.

Since Yale did not get removed, we now need to go do real tours of Boston/MA schools we self-toured last summer, and try hard not to love all 4.