Colorado College clones

<p>Hi All - I'm a parent helping a junior who is really interested in Colorado College. Our problem is that we need to come up with more schools to look at -- This student loves the block scheduling -- Did any of you research any other schools that had block scheduling that you could recommend we add to the list?</p>

<p>Hi Longhaul. My D is also a junior interested in CC; we are visiting it in January. She also likes the concept of block scheduling. The only other one I am aware of is Cornell College, in Iowa (coincidentally, a coworker of mine went there). We are considering visiting there. To be honest, the name is a drawback – D is concerned that she’d have to spend her life explaining “No, not Cornell University.” And I see her point.</p>

<p>Remind me in late Jan and I’d be happy to PM you about our visit.</p>

<p>The only other block plan colleges currently are –
Cornell College (Iowa)
Quest University (In Canada)
Tusculum College (Tennessee)
University of Montana - Western (Montana, duh!)
and Maharishi University of Management (Iowa)</p>

<p>I don’t know much about each of these schools, but out of them all, the second “best” in my opinion to Colorado College would be Cornell College… it’s featured in the Colleges That Change Lives book as well.</p>

<p>A school in Louisville,KY does this too. I can’t remember their name though.</p>

<p>While some other schools might try and clone the block system, Cornell College is probably closest to CC in terms of character, size, etc…I don’t think any of them, however, come close to CC in terms of reputation for what it is worth.</p>

<p>thanks to all who replied! The HS Junior I was helping has decided to not look further at CC or any schools further west than OH.</p>

<p>Ironically, my 9th grade son is now extremely interested in CC after hearing all the conversations. So, I’ll be back here with more questions in a couple of years :)</p>

<p>Colorado College (Colorado)
Cornell College (Iowa)
Maharishi University (Iowa)
Tusculum College (Tennessee)
University of Montana Western (a U Sphere Fave)
Prescott College (Arizona)
Quest University Canada (British Columbia)
Evergreen State College (Washington State)
(One Interdisciplinary Program each quarter)
Hofstra University (NY)
(First year only for New College division)</p>

<p>With two Ss at Colorado College I wanted to add my thoughts. Although the block plan is unique and certainly anyone considering applying to or attending Colorado College should consider the academic calendar, IMO it should not be the sole determining factor in selecting a college. During the process, both my boys considered several LACs and Colorado College was the only one with the block plan. With both my senior and freshman I would regularly ask what other schools their Colorado College classmates considered and although they named a wide range of schools, never once have I heard them mention the schools listed on this thread. The schools regularly mentioned include…Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Middlebury, Grinnell, Carleton, Whitman, Reed. Carleton and Grinnell have very different academic schedules yet they are often considered comparable schools. With two kids at Colorado College I would say the college is more comparable to other selective LACs than it is to other schools on the block plan.</p>

<p>Agree 100% with swimming! My S applied ED to CC but was deferred, it is still his #1 choice and will turn down all of his other choices to go there if he is admitted in March. His list includes many of the colleges that swimming mentioned below with Whitman coming in a close second. It is definitely an awesome school in every respect, take or leave the block plan.</p>