Colorado College ED class of 2020

@AnneKatherine yeah I saw that. I’d be curious to see how many get admitted for regular fall start, because it sounds like they’re hinting that it’s a bit low. But I wonder how many they defer in the first place.


@mermaid29 I’d love to know that too. I’ve heard that some schools don’t reject anyone EA and just defer everyone instead while other schools only defer a very small handful of kids…

Has anyone accepted been able to see the financial aid information? I don’t see anything yet and I’m almost dying

Same question…anyone who was accepted receive any financial aide/scholarship information?

Deferred — not fun at all…

D was accepted EA!!

She’s a Questbridge Finalist; 4.0 UW GPA (4.25 W), SAT: 1880; ACT: 27. She has solid ECs, including sports (4 years for each, co-captain for two). Both her CC essays were terrific, especially the Block Plan class plan one. No hooks except maybe that her grandmother graduated from CC in 1945.

Our D also received a very generous financial aid award; she was able to log in on the FA Basecamp page.

35 ACT, 2350 SAT
4.5 weighted GPA
Captain if cross country and track, and chess, euphonium player
Great recommendation from principal of large school.
Watch yourself

Some of there results are disheartening to say the least. Everyone I’ve seen so far is certainly qualified academically. I can only imagine some results stemmed from the subjective side of the spectrum.

Hi has anyone heard about merit based aid yet? I can see financial aid but cannot see merit-based

I contacted CC and was told if you don’t see it you didn’t get any and that very little was given out.

CC, like many of the upper tier colleges and universities, actually provides little in merit aid. The reason is pretty simple and evident in the scores / grades posted in this and other Colorado College forums: Virtually everyone who is admitted has amazing grades. Actually, nobody here EVER talks about grades. Still, in casual conversations, it seems like everyone is a National Merit Scholar and a significant percentage are Val or Sal. With that in mind, it seems as if everyone here deserves merit scholarships, but that would be impossible to foster with our endowment.

Some colleges have the endowment to be that generous. If I am not mistaken, Harvard and Yale both provide nice packages to everyone. Of course, that is really just an investment, since they figure that the $240K invested in 4 years will be paid back ten-fold in donations over the subsequent 40 years. A whole bunch of us need to graduate, get rich and donate a ton to CC before the college can afford to be that generous.