Colorado College - How Can I Boost my Chances?

Hi everyone!
I am currently a Junior at a private high school in Massachusetts and I was wondering what I can do to boost my chances to get accepted. My Sophomore year COVID really brought down my grades (I was online a lot and the schedule was weird) so I was eligible to take any APs or Honors this year. As I’m starting off this year I’m off strong with all As and I have recently taken the PreACT (28 Math, 32 Science, 31, STEM, 25 English, 33 Reading).

What can I do moving forward to really improve my chances or getting accepted? (Coming around next year I plan to apply ED, make good connections with the rep, etc. all that good stuff). I am willing to do pretty much anything such as summer classes or internships.

Anything CC looks for I’m willing to do. Thank you for reading and any help is greatly appreciated!

Bone up on your test - but no pressure. if it’s not up to snuff, don’t submit. But submitted will help.

Great greades, ECs, write good essays and get great letters. Like any other school.

ED will help a lot.

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They do like ED applicants.


Thanks for the response, I am lucky enough to be able to have a good college counselor and tutor for the ACT, which I plan to stick with. Do you think I could do something such as an internship or summer class to boost my chances?

Yeah I plan to apply ED, it’s super far away from now though so I’m trying to improve my chances everywhere I can. My grades weren’t great last year, (B’s average) and I know they expect better. But I am not fully committing myself because of how much I want to get in lol.

Can you retake any of your classes last year to get a better grade and replace last year’s?

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Not that I know of, I still passed the classes obviously so wouldn’t it be better to move forward and maybe take an AP over the Summer. Idk what colleges are really looking at.

Colleges, foremost are looking at grades. Improvement to straight A’s or nearly so for your junior year will be what you want to shoot for. Put your sophomore grades in the rear view mirror.

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At my son’s school, he can retake even a class that he got a B on and it replaces the grade in the GPA. It’s your call whether that makes sense. I tend to think that straight A’s moving forward is more impactful but if you got a C in a class you could retake in a quick summer school session for an A that might be worth it if it was a core class.

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@theaterforme Curious, is the previous course taken off the transcript? If it stays, what is the grade reflected? and it would be odd to have the same course on the same transcript in different places.

I am told it shows visible on the transcript but that the new grade is used for calculating GPA.

I don’t think a summer class will help for sake of a class. If it improves upon a tough sophomore grade, I get it. An internship or job is always a good EC. Don’t forget, so many kids struggled with covid - a strong Junior year will reflect well for you.

Here’s the thing - you love it. I get it. There are other schools with the block plan.

Don’t fall in love with any college. There are hundreds out there that will be great for you.

It’s school - and no school is perfect but every school can be great. Some kids have roommate issues or don’t understand a prof.

Be the best you - and if they take you, awesome. And if they don’t, it’s ok too - you’ll excel wherever you go.

Best of luck.


Thanks so much

CC cares a lot about rigor- they expect an applicant to take the highest level classes their schools offer, especially in the academic areas that are of most interest to the student.

Also consider Cornell College as a less selective option with a better chance for merit money if you are truly interested in studying under the block plan. I know of some very happy kids at Cornell College.

Also consider Whitman College… not a block plan school but very similar to Colorado College vibe wise. Excellent school that is a bit less selective and, again, can be generous with merit money


It’s not just about the block plan for me, CC has everything I want. anyways, my GPA was too low last year to apply for any honors or APs and i didnt really care freshman year to get above a B. Now when I want to try I feel I have no opportunity to challenge myself. Currently I have all A’s yet my school gives little leeway. I even applied for an outside semester school last year thats all honors and I got accepted but my school rejected me saying they wouldnt count the credits.

CC recruits athletes. If you have any athletic ability, use it to get in.

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