Colorado College offer - Conditional or Unconditional?

<p>I am an international IB diploma student who was accepted to Colorado College (RD) with a presidential merit-based scholarship of $20,000. I have sent my deposit and enrolment form already.</p>

<p>I noticed that on my colorado college offer it stated that "this offer is contingent on getting the same grades (or better)" at the end of the welcoming paragraph of my online acceptance letter (no mention of such in the hard copy letter they sent me).</p>

<p>I got in with a predicted IB score of 37. If I do not achieve 37 points in the same subjects, will my offer be rescinded leaving me with no college to go to? So is my offer conditional or is it unconditional? (like the majority of US university offers to international students)</p>

<p>How much leeway will I be given in terms of deviation from final grades? Not saying I won't score well in my exams, but still. I come from the british system where all offers are conditional to UK universities and scoring one point less than your IB offer (no matter if you scored higher in individual classes) means you are very likely to have your offer rescinded.</p>

<p>Please help, freaking out.</p>

<p>You have to ask the Admissions office directly. Usually, unless there is a significant drop in final grades from what your gpa was, not any PREDICTED score, but from actual numbers, there is not a problem, and I don’t think there will be here, but you need to talk to Admissions to make sure.</p>

<p>If I call the office asking if it is alright to score less than I did when I applied, wouldn’t they automatically say that I have to regardless of whether it is true or not (so I don’t have anything against them if they rescind my offer)?</p>

<p>Also, wouldn’t the mere fact that I called and asked such a thing put me in their bad books and make it more likely that they will rescind me?</p>

<p>sorry if these questions seem weird, again I am from the UK system where it is considerably more cut-throat. Also, if they do rescind my offer for not scoring the same GPA, could I appeal to another college I got accepted to or have I screwed up and that’s it?</p>

<p>No, you have to call them, and don’t worry about that. Any intelligent applicant would. I wouldn’t phrase it like “is it okay if I score less . . .” Don’t be negative.</p>

<p>The point of that phrase is to ensure that you don’t the remainder of your academic term. Obviously they want you to graduate, but they want an out if you do very poorly as well. Domestic acceptances are offered with the same condition. Imagine a fictional student who has completed 23 out of 25 required credits toward HS graduation (our HS requires 25 credits, and allows 8 credits per year, so this student could have 24 credits), and only had two specific required classes remaining - English 12, and Physical Education. Now assume this student has a 3.5 average going into senior year. He get in Early Action, and accepts the offer of admission. Now consider that student decides he only need the English, PE (half credit) and credit for one other class to graduate. He proceeds to fail 4 classes the second half of the year - or maybe drops those classes, rather than failing them. CC might not want him to attend, and this gives them an out, because he failed to make progress. They don’t make hard and fast rules, because they would need to be different for every student. Expectations are going to be different for the student taking 4 AP classes for the first time, and a different student not taking any, for instance.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry too much, unless you are failing or doing poorly in some of your classes. Have you submitted a mid-year report? If so, that gives them a sense of where you’re headed. Many colleges send warning letters if they’re not happy with mid-year grades after they have offered admission.</p>