Colorado School of Mines Admission for Fall 2024

What has the turn around on acceptance decisions been like this year so far? Looks like last year decisions were always sent on Fridays, has that been true this year as well?

Most Colorado residents haven’t even applied yet. There is a free application day (for all Colorado schools, for all Colorado residents) sometime next week. A lot of the schools have pushed their acceptance days back

I’m aware of the free days. In the last three years I have heard of students who have received notice of acceptances in late September–Mines offers rolling admission.

Son applied on Sep 20th; got admitted today 10/13. Out of state, also got president’s scholarship 12,000/year, renewable for four years.


Congrats to your son, willing to share stats?

Congrats to your son! My son received his acceptance yesterday, too! :tada:


Wow, that’s incredible! I didn’t submit my application until October 15th. Do you think that’s too late? A moot point now, I guess, but I’m hoping to still get a scholarship.

Most Colorado students didn’t submit their applications until Oct 15 because that’s when they are free (and when the guidance counselors get the paperwork done).


IS accepted with $6k per year presidential scholarship. App was complete 10/20 and received decision 11/3. SAT in the 1400’s and Calc 3 highest math.

D24 OOS admitted for mining engineering. She is National Merit Commended, 34 ACT, IB candidate, 4.37w/3.95uw GPA. Awarded Provost Scholarship of $10k/yr. Glad to be admitted. Appreciate the scholarship. Not sure it really moves the needle.

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S24 admitted today after applying 11/1. OOS and admitted with a President’s 14K scholarship. 4.0 uw/5.61 w, 12 AP classes. Applied Test optional. In Calc BC and Stats this year.


S24 accepted today with $14000 presidential scholarship as well. Came as a pleasant surprise to get the decision back so quickly!


Also admitted today! $14k President’s (renewable).
Any idea on the timeline for the foundation-backed scholarships?

DS was also admitted on Friday. He’s studying the A-Levels curriculum in Scotland and has 3 predicted As in Physics, Chem, Maths. Test optional. $8k Provost Award (renewable). He’s really excited!

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DD admitted today. Mechanical Engineering with 14k Presidential Scholarship. Application Completed last week Oct. OOS, GPA 4.24, Test Optional, took 60% of AP’s offered at our small rural HS, engineering track classes, multiple varsity sports and leadership positions. Engineering independent study.

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Admitted today with a $6k annual Provost Award. Application submitted Nov 1.

3.848 UW GPA
7 AP / 5 HN
Test optional
Captain of the HS Equestrian Team
4-H member, served as club president for 2 years
Advanced to 4-H national competitions twice

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AA received acceptance yesterday. Mechanical Engineering with Aerospace concentration. Provost scholarship 8K/yr.

GPA 3.86 UW
4 year PLTW
JV baseball, Internship.

He is excited!