<p>So I'm a junior, about to be a senior, and I want to know if Columbia, chicago, mit, or emory could be in my future.</p>
SAT I: Cr-700 M-740 W-610 ( i just retook it and i expect my math and writing to go up)
ACT: 33
SAT II: Math Level II-780; us history-740; physics-700
GPA: 3.92 unweighted, 4.51 weighted
Rank: 1
Schedule: Most rigorous</p>
<p>Freshman year:
AP Bio
AP human geo
Geom hon
Eng hon
spanish II
<p>Sophomore year
AP art history
AP chem
AP world history
algebra 2 hon
spanish 3 hon
english 2 hon</p>
<p>Junior year:
AP eng lang
AP stat
AP physics B
AP ush
AP psych
<p>Senior year:
AP physics C
AP calc bc
AP eng lit
AP computer science a
AP gov/econ
anatomy and physiology hon</p>
Sports- Basketball freshman year: captain
cross country 11-12</p>
<p>SGA- all four years; vp of class freshman and sophomore years, treasurer senior year
Mu Alpha Theta/Math Honor Society: Frequent top ten placer in both regional and state competitions; officer for senior year
NHS; president for the upcoming year
member of science national honor society.
member of academic team</p>
Orlando's Outstanding Chemistry Student for 2008
Twice winning 2nd place internationally in a technical writing competition;
Jefferson award for community service, representing my high school in a scholarship competition.</p>
<p>Thanks, i'd really appreciate, and would chance back if you provide a link</p>
<p>I would stick with your ACT score; it looks a lot better than your SAT. Unfortunately I don’t think you have a reasonable chance at MIT, and both Columbia and Chicago will be difficult. This might sound a bit crazy but I would try to raise your physics score and maybe even mathIIc in October. They both have large curves and so your 700 in physics doesn’t look very good. The mathIIc is by no means inadequate but especially if you plan to apply to MIT, you really should go for the 800. I do think that you have a solid chance at making Emory, and maybe Chicago if you work on your essays for their specific application.</p>
<p>How many people are in your class? You seem like you’ll have a good shot at getting into at least one of your choices (especially if you ED), but of course nothing is for sure. Just make sure that your essays and recs are solid.</p>
<p>That will definitely help since you’re valedictorian, but it still may be a bit hard. I would say in at Emory and U Chicago, but Columbia could go either way, and MIT will be very difficult for you to get into. Have you thought about UPenn, they let in a large percent of valedictorians, over 40% if I remember correctly. Good Luck!</p>
<p>The U of C will definitely be reachable if you EA (34% admit rate). Retake SAT if you can but U of C places more emphasis on ACT. My valedictorian 2360 SAT friend got turned down at U of C but accepted in to Duke/ Dartmouth/ JHU/Cornell because he did not take ACT. He wanted to be an investment banker lol… Guess he doing premed now.</p>
<p>You have about the same numbers as I did, and I got into UChicago (whoo!). Remember that UChicago doesn’t look at the writing portion of the SAT, and that the essays and recs matter more than the test scores anyway. </p>
<p>I think you’re safe with a 740, man. Just because MIT is know for math and science doesn’t mean they’re going to fill their class with math prodigies. They have a good poli sci program, too!</p>
<p>EDIT/leap to the defense of UChicago
That admit rate can be reeeeally deceptive. UChicago looks easy to get into because it has what they call a “self selecting applicant pool”, which basically means that not that many people consider UChicago casually. You either adore it and are willing to take on its reputation or you don’t apply. The essays weed applicants too; you can’t copy and paste an essay about super-huge mustard! And they don’t differentiate too much between SAT and ACT, they just don’t care that much about either. Like I said, it’s all about the essays (and your holistic application and recs).</p>
<p>How the hell did you take AP Bio as a freshman? There’s no way I could have learned and understood all of the molecular biology stuff without having honors bio first. There’s a reason that’s the only AP science at my school with an honors prerequisite.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t offer APs until junior year, and I didn’t take AP Bio until last year. Buuut, my school is more interested in having kids pass the TAKS test than with teaching, so it’s understandable.</p>
<p>my school is new, and we were only the second class entering the school.
and in florida we have like no money for schools, so by offering more AP classes at an earlier level, my school was able to receive more funding.</p>
<p>i think our class had like a 50% pass rate.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, you don’t seem to seem to stand out compared to others around the nation, and SAT/ACT are middle-line. AP’s look very rigorous though. I’ll estimate your chances to be:</p>
<p>Basically, these schools are all first-tier, and you’re a first-tier student, but within first-tier, there are differences. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, and MIT are in the same boat; getting into one does not guarantee getting into another, and getting rejected from one does not preclude another. However, these schools are significantly harder to get into than other schools as you listed. Emory is somewhat easier to get into than Columbia or Chicago.</p>
<p>Whoa hold on - 2nd place in international technical writing competition? Could you give more details? What did you do? How many contestants were there?</p>
<p>P.S. Chance me! My message is titled “My chances? (math track).” Thanks!</p>