Columbia College Chicago : Top Media - Arts school

I was just curious to see if anyone on cc has any information about this school, it seems to not be on the alphabetical list of colleges, so I decided to make a topic for it!
This is one of my top choices and I was accepted! Anyone else? :)</p>

<p>I know a few people who go there. They are happy, always involved in productions and I know a few theater graduates who are working in shows.</p>

<p>Columbia College Chicago was at the top of Happykid’s transfer list when she finished up her AA in Theater Tech. Great location, wonderful program. However the financial part simply didn’t work out. If you can afford Columbia College Chicago, I think it would be terrific!</p>

<p>Thanks for advice! Anyone know anyone who studied fashion studies and or marketing communications? And honestly, this school is more affordable than others on my list!</p>

<p>Sent from my PH44100 using CC</p>