<p>So around this time of the year it's pretty normal to have the bulk of the threads be from eager applicants. I know, I've been there. Screenname and all. This isn't a passive-aggressive attack on those; best of luck to all of you. Really.</p>
<p>I just thought I'd break the mold by just saying how much I freaking love my school. It wasn't the magical experience I expected (I transferred in last semester) but sitting here in my basement among cousins passed out in sleeping bags, eating eggnog and cereals (I don't live well during the holidays) I miss it. I can't wait to go back and make the best of it. </p>
<p>In retrospective, there's something melancholic about all-nighters in Butler, being lonely and miserable throughout October making fun of hipsters at JJ, standing in line for parties at EC on Friday nights, and communally beetching about Frontiers. In retrospective. </p>
<p>So Columbia, you filthy core-heavy slapper, I love you. That is all. :)</p>
<p>“In retrospective, there’s something melancholic about all-nighters in Butler, being lonely and miserable throughout October making fun of hipsters at JJ, standing in line for parties at EC on Friday nights, and communally beetching about Frontiers”</p>
<p>on the money Lionhead, completely agree with you, my experience gels with this^, I disliked columbia when i joined, but it’s just gotten better every semester. pleasantly surprised to hear this from a semester old transfer :)</p>
<p>I loved 7 out of my 8 semesters. What was best about it was the intensity - the speed with which you had to think and organize your life and execute and how quick-witted you had to be just to have good conversation sometimes. you get another “gear” to your brain that the rest of the world just doesn’t, by and large, have.</p>
<p>I also miss going up on the roof of IAB with a few friends and a few beers.</p>
<p>If you don’t mind saying, and it isn’t something particular to you (dealing w/ a bad break-up vs. crappy classes), what was the issue with the 8th?</p>
<p>This thread got me all teary-eyed. I was telling confidentialcoll the other day how much I miss it–the anticipation of going back at the end of winter break, the smell of spring in March, and autumn in september. </p>
<p>“there’s something melancholic about all-nighters in Butler, being lonely and miserable throughout October making fun of hipsters at JJ, standing in line for parties at EC on Friday nights, and communally beetching about Frontiers”</p>
<p>So so so true.</p>
<p>Let me also say that I probably cried once a week, for about two months–from August to October–after I graduated, because I missed Columbia, New York, or something about the school. I still do, although the crying’s stopped. </p>
<p>I can’t stay away–I’m visiting in march, and probs New Year’s next year (although I said that this year…)</p>
<p>Oh, and I forgot to mention the indescribably incredible feeling of driving up to the 116th gates on a cold January morning after flying for 15 hours across 3 continents. Made the pain of travel worth it xx</p>
<p>^ It’s quite unbelievable. Even when I moved in this semester dragging a carry-on, suitcase and backpack into an entirely new and barren room, I still felt like I was coming home.</p>
<p>Thanks for this thread, LionHeaded. This semester was kind of miserable, but I’m still frightened by how quickly it went by. And I’m really starting to realize the depth of my affections for New York; I can’t wait to go back. And, of course, the Core! I love the Core! I was pretty scared for CC at the beginning of this year, but I love my professor and most of the people in my class. I still love the feeling of walking on campus on a really nice day. Just the sight of Butler makes me happy (in a non-masochistic, non-I-love-to-study-24/7 kind of way).</p>
<p>Maybe I’m slow, but I still don’t quite understand why so many people think Columbia students are miserable people who hate their school.</p>
<p><em>cough</em> 2008 Varsity Show <em>cough</em></p>
<p>I get frustrated with the school sometimes, especially how the administration can make simple things difficult without any obvious reason. The workload can get nuts too and I sometimes feel like professors don’t understand that we’re taking 4, 5, 6 other classes that are equally as demanding.</p>
<p>The Varsity Show last semester was great. And that was really the first time I encountered the stereotype. But it’s cropped up elsewhere as well. There were reviews of Columbia (by Columbia students) on some website or other, and the whole “Morningside Hates” thing cropped up in several of the reviews. Besides, other schools have heavy workloads (well, I guess it depends on what classes you take) and annoying bureaucratic red tape as well.</p>
<p>But I really don’t want to derail the thread (and scare away potential applicants, of course), so I’ll go back to declaring my love. I’ve had an amazing experience with the Core so far, and I love the conversations I have with my friends. I love it when it’s warm out, and everyone’s sitting on the steps. Also, as exciting and vibrant the area around NYU is, I’m so glad Columbia is in Morningside Heights. It does feel very homey.</p>
<p>I’m already bursting at the seams (sorry for the imagery) with my nostalgic love and I’m not even accepted yet … (“deferred” - encouragement, please…)</p>
<p>hey OP, i know this is sorta verboten online, but whats your first name? i know a lot of transfer students and i know there arent that many at columbia cuz the transfer admission rate is even lower than the normal admission rate, so i thought i might know you IRL. </p>
<p>as for loving columbia, HELLs yeah! im having these memories from the first semester at 1 in the morning where me and my friend would just hang out in JJs with a bag of chips and milkshakes. we wouldnt even say anything we would just listen to the village people blasting over the speakers, watch the football that was invariably playing on the tvs and just relax after a 4-class day. im going to retain those memories for the rest of my life</p>
<p>awww karot, i thought there wasn’t much scope for that.</p>
<p>on another note, I absolutely love that columbia is a little dissatisfied with life and the happenings around them, it makes the campus a little more real. Brown! and I imagine most of California seems to be in a surreal state of happiness, I’m a pretty content guy but I nearly threw up with all the happy (and naive) people when I went to Brown!, still think Brown! is a great school, just not for me.</p>