<p>Most of those questions are hardly 'short answers.' You need not even write in complete sentences. All you must do is list what books you've read, festivals you've attended, etc. And it is my opinion that these have very little effect on the ultimate decision of your application; they just want to make sure you have read SOMETHING and that you have SOME life outside of curricular academics. Personally, I wouldn't take the time to read extra newspapers just so you can include them in your application. Spend that time enjoying high school or on other much more important aspects of the application such as perfecting your essay. My advice is not to do anything JUST to include it in the application; you should only do things that you either really enjoy or you believe will improve yourself. Like participating in class is good for you so you can learn to express yourself in a communal setting; not just so the teacher takes notice and references it in a recommendation.</p>
<p>i agree that being an asian male doesn't help, but i was statistically ify and i got in. lots of the circumstances involved in your acceptance are out of your control (like who reads your app, how many apps they've read before yours, the reader's mood that day (seriously), the state of the school, where you're from, your ethnicity, your economic background, etc.). Whatever happens, you'll have a better chance if you apply than if you don't.</p>
<p>Hey BreakorDeath you just made me smile ear to ear! Also do you know who Eddie Izzard is? "Cake or Death?"</p>