Nope i did not. Just checked it

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For those who are waitlisted, are u going to remain on the waitlist? is it possible to commit to another school first but still accept the waitlist offer?

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I was really looking forward to Columbia. So disappointed in myself

I’m staying on the waitlist, but I think you can commit to another school! You would probably just lose your deposit if you end up getting into Columbia

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You’re a great applicant and will do great things no matter where you go! The truth is that all of us face higher chances of being rejected, so not getting in is not an indicator of how good you are. Don’t let this hold you back and most definitely don’t be disappointed!

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Okay I’m staying as well–I just think it is so hard to get off the waitlist :sob: Dunno what to expect now.

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Well its a fact that i wasnt good enough for Columbia which is idk. I did what i could idk what else i couldve possibly done

Hey we’re in this together! :))

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Don’t think that way. You’re not “not good enough,” you’re just not what they needed to fill this specific class!!! spots are limited and admissions are crazy and this is NOT your fault!!! especially in this CRAZY admissions cycle!!


Good luck you guys. Everyone has been very positive and supportive here. I am signing off just wanted to wish everyone a great experience at Columbia and my sincere prayers for those on waitlist. Peace :v:


best of luck and no matter where you go I am sure you will do amazing things! sending love! :))


Best of luck to everyone :pleading_face: I’m certain you’ll all do amazing things wherever you end up.


Congratulations to you! What an incredible accomplishment!


Congrats to everyone who got in. I transferred to Columbia over a year ago and it still amazes me that I got in. Now it makes me really happy that many of u bright individuals can join me as well. And for those who didn’t get in, Ik it sounds cliche, but you’ll achieve whatever u want without Columbia provided that you continue to work hard and be kind. Can’t wait to see you all in the fall.



GPA: 4.0
ACT: 28


Are you in CC or SEAS? Would rly like to talk to someone about transfer credits and stuff

this feels like a prank but i got in, i didnt even open the letter and found out thru the fin aid email!

4.0 college, 3.89 hs, 1460 sat, from a T25 public uni
human rights major!
i really think this is a joke i was completely shocked but have so much gratitude
i also think it helped that i was admitted last year to a columbia dual ba program but couldn’t attend bc of fin aid

congrats to all regardless of decision, it was so much work to apply thru a pandemic and regular college work and that in itself is an accomplishment


CC for Film

mm ok SEAS lol so our classes are prolly pretty dissimilar

How many acceptances have we had on the forum