<p>My friend, like me wants to get into Columbia Univeristy. Here are his stats:
SAT score: 1970 (770 math 570 reading 630 writing)
SAT 2: 800 Chemistry Math 1: 780
GPA: 3.87
Rank: 3rd
took 10 AP classes with 5's on 4 tests.
He is in the national and spanish honor society, math team, evnvironmental club, science team, computer club.
He is Indian and is from New York.
<p>Unfortunately, not good. His SAT scores are not competitive for Columbia.</p>
<p>is he applying to SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) or to Columbia College? Fu is still ridiculously hard to get into but it would help his chances, especially with a high math score.</p>
<p>Not good if he doesn’t get his verbal/writing scores up to at least 700.</p>
<p>I fell that you guys are absolutely correct. His SAT scores should be higher.
I do want to mention that he comes from a lower middle class family.
I heard that colleges go slightly easier from students from less prosperous families.
Is it true, and will it have an impact on my friend’s decision?</p>
<p>There is no way he’s getting into anything close to Columbia with his present scores. The tip for low income is much more notable if you are a URM and he is an ORM from an overrepresented state. A candidate like him is most likely going to need to be at the 75th percentile for stats to have much of a chance given the pool he’s competing in. That would be high 700s in every area for Columbia so he’s not even close.</p>
<p>Also, since Columbia has so many legacies, staff kids and kids they otherwise give preference to from NY, it’s especially hard to get into as an unhooked New Yorker.</p>
<p>SAT is too low. Is he very good at sports/music/arts or anything?</p>