Columbia University Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

This year, the Early Decision (ED) deadline for the Columbia University is November 1.

List your unweighted GPA, any SAT /ACT scores, and ECs. What majors are you going into?
Ask your questions, the CC community is here to help!


Hi! I really love Columbia but I’m not sure if I am competitive enough. I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA and am working on getting at least a 33 ACT. My personal statement is pretty strong and so are my extracurriculars. I have started a magazine recognized by Princeton University, am an internationally certified Indian classical dancer, internationally published author (in multiple publications), work closely with Rotary International to raise money for various causes, have had multiple paid internships, worked as a dance teacher and art teacher, currently modeling with an agency, and have leadership roles in 5+ clubs at school. What do you think my odds are applying Early Decision? Thanks for the help!!

I would suggest that a 33 is likely insufficient. Why don’t you try and boost in with something like UWORLD.

Tough to say. You won’t get in on academics alone. How strong are your publications? If you are a gifted writer or researcher, that could make a difference. Are you a gifted dancer? If so, perhaps you should send in a tape. Do you have a unique background or character traits? You seem like someone with many strengths, but the trend at elite colleges is to find students who are the very best at something, rather than very good at several things. Of course, how you present yourself and your activities can make all the difference. I wish you luck,

Anybody applied for ED already?

On the financial aid website, the documents I submitted had the notation that changed from a check mark to “packaging”. Now the page is blank. Any thoughts?

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They always hide the checklists about a week before decisions come out. It’s normal.

Anxiously waiting for 7PM EST!


Any luck there ?

My D23 got admitted ED! A bit anti-climatic since she already had verbal commitment via athletic team for more than a year, but it’s great to finally have it be official.


My nephew was recruited a few years ago and is on the fencing team as a rising senior. Seems to really enjoy the athletic aspect.

Any advice you or he can share in terms of balancing sports with academics? A key reason why my D preferred Columbia much more so than Power Five conference schools (besides NYC and Core Curriculum) that were also recruiting her is that the # of games was about half as many and so was the amount of travel.

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\my son was admitted ED! We are dealing with a financial aid issue so we are all simultaneously thrilled and freaking out but he got in!

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